Global resources
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Global resources
Most of the products and services from The Nature Conservancy's Invasive Species Team can be applied in any country (with few if any modifications). On this page, however, we provide resources that either truly transcend national boundaries, or have primary applicability outside the USA.

Includes many photographs of Australian weeds.
Brazil (en Español e Português)
Includes listings of invasive species in Brazil, and fact sheets on many species, in Portuguese and Spanish.
México (en Inglés y Español)
Includes useful presentations produced by México staff; in English and Spanish.

Other site resources

Assessments and regional plans
Assessments of invasive species issues for various operating units in The Nature Conservancy.
Global weed list
An extraordinary database consisting of invasive plant lists, observations, and publications. Look here to learn if a plant has been observed acting as an invader.

Updated July 2008
©The Nature Conservancy, 2005