Geophysics Unit of Menlo Park, CA (GUMP)
U.S. Geological Survey - Western Regional Geology - Western Earth Surface Processes Team


Richard J. Blakely
Claire Bouligand
Bruce A. Chuchel
Jonathan M.G. Glen
Robert C. Jachens
Victoria E. Langenheim
Edward A. Mankinen
Ted McKee
Darcy Karakelian McPhee
Robert L. Morin
Geoffrey Phelps
Donald Plouff
David A. Ponce
Dan Scheirer
Janet Watt

Associate Researchers
Robert Simpson
Jack Hillhouse

Dave Barnes
Jim Case
Andy Griscom
Tom Hildenbrand
Howard Oliver
Carter W. Roberts
Allegra Hosford Scheirer
Bob Sikora


GUMP is a theoretical and applied research group that uses state-of-the-art gravity and magnetic methods to better understand and resolve public issues across a wide spectrum of earth science problems.

GUMP staff and laboratories are located on the USGS campus at 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA

Map and Directions to the USGS campus in Menlo Park, CA

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