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We are glad that you are interested in submiting an image to the Animal Science Image Gallery. Here are some tips to facilitate your submission.

  • Prepare the needed information in advance.
  • Know where the image is on your hard drive or disk.
  • Email is the primary method of communication between submitters, editors and reviewers, so be sure to type your address correctly.
  • If you are interrupted during the submission process, you may save your submission at any time before it is completed and then return hours or days later to resume the process.
  • You will be given an opportunity to review your submission and make any needed changes in the final step near the end of the process.
  • JPG, GIF, and PNG are the most common file formats for submissions. If you wish to choose another format, please read the Information on File Formats section below before starting.
  • Guidelines on image formats and size are available here.
  • Read the copyright and use information before submitting your image to understand how your images may be used and the rights you retain after submission.
Preparing Your Information
We request information for each image to aid people who search the Gallery for images. Here is what we will ask, so that you can prepare before starting.

Required information
1) You will need a title, a detailed description, and keywords for your image. These will be critical components of the search process, so please think about these ahead of time. The description should amend the image's visual information sufficiently for a novice to comprehend what the image is intended to convey. Usually, the description is best written for students in their first class on this topic, and as if they had little or no animal science background. Similarly, they should be useful for teachers with limited animal science background, such as at Community Colleges or High Schools. If you need help with keywords, the NAL Thesaurus is our official source.

2) You will need to know the format of the image you are uploading (jpg, gif, png, tif, ppt, swf, fla, tbk, etc.) and, if the image was "born digital", the date when it was created. You can find both of these by right clicking on the image, and selecting Properties from the menu. Screen shots of this process are available for you to view in the instructions.

Additional information
3) If you have published this image, the complete citation is required.

4) You will be asked to name the individual who originally created the image and the person who created the digital version of the image. These may be the same person.

5) If the image is the property of an institution or company, we ask for that name.

6) There is also an opportunity to provide information on the location where the image was made and/or the time of the year that the image depicts in case these may help understand the image.

Copyright Information
By submitting your image to this Gallery, you give people the right to use the image for educational purposes. Please read the complete site policy on the Copyright and Use Information page. You will have the ability during the submission process to use only our policy, select a more lenient policy by placing the image in the public domain, or require that your name always appear as a credit whenever the image is used.

Information on File Formats
If your image is:

  • a GIF, JPG, or PNG then the rest of these directions do NOT apply.
  • an AVI, MOV, RM, WMV, SWF, animated GIF, TIF, PPT, FLA, TBK, or ZIP, then read on.
  • some other file format, you can either put the file within a zip file or contact the editor.
Because AVI, MOV, RM, WMV, SWF, animated GIF, TIF, PPT or ZIP, are not image formats for web viewing, you will need a single GIF, JPG, or PNG image to represent your submission when people search the gallery. In some cases, the opening frame may be appropriate, but in other cases it will not. We have provided both examples of the issue and directions on how to create these single images for each file format.

During the submission process, you will upload the image in step 3. Since you will upload the representative GIF, JPG, or PNG still image and the actual file separately, create the representative still image before you start the submission process.

Review Process
Submitted images and the data submitted with them are subjected to peer review for quality and accuracy. To view the questions that reviewers use as a guide click here.

Other Questions
If you have any other questions or need any other assistance, please contact the editor or any of the section editors.

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