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Department of Agriculture

Delaware Department of Agriculture Logo


Poultry & Animal Health

Our Mission

The Poultry and Animal Health Section of the Delaware Department of Agriculture is committed to protect the health of domestic animal and avian species from the introduction and spread of infectious and contagious diseases, including those transmissible to the human population.

Key Objectives

Provide appropriate training programs for all inspectors and laboratory personnel on proper field and laboratory diagnostic procedures.


House Bill 425 - Animal Population Control Program and Spay & Neuter Fund click here to see the full house bill


It is the responsibility of the Poultry and Animal Health Section to be completely familiar with the disease status of all classes of animals -- livestock, pet, and exotic, as well as commercial poultry and pet birds. This applies, not only to the local situation, but also regionally and nationally as well. If there is a serious disease in another state or section of the country, the State Veterinarian may place severe importation restrictions or a total embargo on the affected species in an attempt to prevent the introduction of the disease into this state.

This section is charged with preventing the introduction and spread of contagious and infectious diseases into and within the animal and poultry population of the state. It accomplishes this by maintaining a diagnostic laboratory of its own, as well as cooperating with the poultry diagnostic laboratory of the University of Delaware. Section personnel respond to reports of actual or potential disease problems from veterinarians as well as from livestock, poultry, and pet owners. Personnel visit farms, dairies, livestock auctions, etc. to collect various biological specimens for analysis and diagnosis of disease. In most instances, the veterinarian or owner is informed of the diagnosis, control, and/or treatment for the disease. When certain serious, highly contagious diseases are diagnosed, however, the State Veterinarian, through the authority given to the Secretary of Agriculture, may quarantine or even destroy the animal, herd, or flock to prevent the spread of that disease to other premises.


Last Updated: Monday, 19-Mar-2007 09:38:38 EDT
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