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Disease Control & Biosecurity


New State Bird Hotline

Exotic Newcastle Disease

  1. Enfermedad de Newcastle Virulenta - Información para Propietarios de Aves

  2. Recommendations for Exotic Newcastle Disease Control in Small Flocks

  3. Recomendaciones para Prevenir la Dispersn de la Enfermedad de Newcastle

  4. Pigeons and Exotic Newcastle Disease

  5. Exotic Newcastle Disease in Caged (Exotic) Birds

  6. Recommendations for Exotic Newcastle Disease Control in Commercial Flocks

  7. Exotic Newcastle Disease Gross Pathology – Non-commercial Poultry

  8. Exotic Newcastle Disease Gross Pathology – Commercial Poultry

Avian Influenza

  1. Recommendations for Avian Influenza Control 

  2. pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  Recommendations for Avian Influenza Control (Chinese)

  3. Recomendaciones para prevenir la dispersión y/o introducción del virus de la influenza de aves  

  4. Poultry Biosecurity Resource Forum
  5. Preventing avian influenza in small flocks


pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  Biosecurity for Small Flocks (English)

pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  Biosecurity for Small Flocks (Chinese)

PFS No. 26  Biosecurity for Poultry Flocks

PFS No. 27  Sanitation-Disinfection Basics

PFS No. 34   Avian Influenza


pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  [PDPS]  Disease Prevention Checklist

pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  [PDPS]  Cleaning and disinfecting poultry equipment and poultry houses.

pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  [PDPS]  Vaccination, Debeaking, and Insemination Crews

pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  [PDPS]  Poultry Ranch Communication Systems

pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  [PDPS]  All-In, All-Out Replacement System

pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  [PDPS]  Hatchery & Hatching Egg Sanitation

pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  [PDPS]  Replacing Your Laying Stock

pdficon.gif (272 bytes)  [PDPS]  Preventing Avian Pox