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Tools & Applications


Software Description

ACORn (A Comprehensive Ozark Regeneration simulator) is a computer program that can help forest managers predict the number and species of trees that will regenerate following harvest in upland oak stands in the Ozark Highlands of Missouri and adjacent states.


ASPEN is an empirical simulation model that projects the growth and yield of aspen (Populus tremuloides and P. tremula) stands from establishment to breakup. The model incorporates the system of equations developed from growth and yield data from throughout the range of P. tremuloides and P. tremula; the model should thus be applicable throughout the circumboreal region. The model runs on an annual time step and predicts total yields in number of trees, basal area, and biomass, as well as merchantable yields in cubic feet and cords for user-specified utilization standards, and in Scribner board feet. Outputs are in the form of stand tables and stocking guides. The model supports silvicultural operations such as thinning, as well as management for multiple products.

FIA Map Maker

This program produces tables and maps from the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis Data Base (FIADB).
The user inputs the following information:

1. geographic area of interest (state/county retrieval or radius retrieval)
2. attribute of interest (timberland area, number of trees, growing-stock volume, etc.)
3. optional filters (for restricting the query to a specific ownership, species, etc.)
4. classification variables to be used for columns and rows and the web application generates the resulting table. If the user selects County or Congressional District as the row variable a shaded county map is generated.


The Forest Stewardship Planning Guide

The Planning Guide is one of a group of computer programs intended to support good forest stewardship. The full set of tools is known collectively as NED, a computer-based, decision-support system being developed by the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. NED will provide site-specific expert recommendations to improve management for multiple values on forests in the Northeastern United States.


The GIS-FIA Model was developed by Michigan Technological University in cooperation with the North Central Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) research unit. The GIS-FIA Model is a geographic information system program that summarizes FIA data. The model runs from a project file in ArcView under the Windows98/NT operating system.

GMLSM: (Gypsy Moth Life System Model)

The gypsy moth life system model (GMLSM) is a very complete model of the population dynamics of this insect pest as it is known to exist in North America. It simulates these dynamics within a single forest stand over a user defined time interval (no. of years). It models the growth, feeding, and mortality of the gypsy moth in a single forest stand by following a number of cohorts on a degree-day basis.

GMPHEN (Gypsy Moth Penology Model)

The GMPHEN model predicts the growth of gypsy moth from egg eclosion to adult emergence from the pupal stage. In this DOS program, users are provided with a menu structured access system, permitting one to supply weather data for a particular site in one of 5 formats. The program will predict instar distribution over time.


HARVEST is a timber harvest allocation model that was constructed to allow the input of specific rules to allocate forest stands for even-age harvest (clearcuts and shelterwood) and group selection, using parameters commonly found in National Forest Plan standards and guidelines. The model produces landscape patterns that have spatial attributes resulting from the initial landscape conditions and potential timber management activities. Modeling this process allows experimentation to link variation in management strategies with the resulting pattern of forest openings and the distribution of forest age classes.

The updated HARVEST Version 6.1 was released in Summer 2005.
HARVEST Lite is the educational version of the software.


The i-Tree suite of software tools was developed to help users—regardless of community size or technical capacity—identify, understand and manage urban tree populations. Better awareness of the benefits and services provided by the urban forest resource leads to increased attention to stewardship, appreciation of operations, and investment in maintenance.

LANDIS Landscape Disturbance and Succession model

LANDIS is designed to model forest succession, disturbance (including fire, wind, harvesting, insects, global change), and seed dispersal across large (>1 million ha) landscapes.   LANDIS represents landscapes as a grid of cells and tracks age cohorts of each species (presence/absence or biomass) rather than individual trees.   LANDIS simulates distinct ecological processes, allowing complex interactions to play out as emergent properties of the simulation.


Version 1.5 of Metavist 2005 computer program for creating metadata compliant with the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) 1998 metadata standard or the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) 1999 Biological Data Profile for the FGDC standard. The software runs under the Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP operating systems, and requires the presence of Microsoft's .Net Framework version 1.1. The metadata are output in XML format.

Notes: Checksum for the zip file is 597a3ee9b3da253bdc7396e608f3fcf5

Review "MetavistReadMe.html" (installed in the Metavist program directory) for information on the bug fixes and added feature in this version.

Software and User's Guide:


NED is a collection of software products being developed by the USDA Forest Service. The NED software is intended to aid resource managers to develop goals, assess current and future conditions, and produce sustainable management plans for forest properties.

OUTCOMES The program, OUTCOMES (OUTdoor COMfort Expert System), is a Windows® program that was written with the goal of providing an easy to use interface and ample on-screen help. OUTCOMES shows the shade pattern of a tree and calculates a human comfort index considering the full range of weather variables, the density of a tree that shades a person, and other features of the surrounding neighborhood.

Fast and flexible program for economic analysis of long-term, on-the-ground resource management projects for forest managers. (Windows version)

RPA Data Wiz

The RPA Data Wiz software allows users to create summary tables, graphs, and maps of RPA data with only basic computer skills and resources. With the Data Wiz volumes for growing stock, live cull, dead salvable, net growth, mortality, acreage, biomass and tree count can be estimated for a given area.


A red pine growth and analysis spreadsheet for the Lake States.

SILVAH SILVAH is a computer tool for making silvicultural decisions in hardwood stands of the Allegheny Plateau and Allegheny Mountain region. It is an "expert system" in that it recommends appropriate treatments based upon user objectives and overstory, understory, and site data provided by the user. SILVAH also contains a forest stand growth simulator, provides the ability to test alternative cuts, enables development of a forest-wide inventory database, and facilitates other forest management planning functions.

Spectrum to Harvest - Spec2Harv was developed to automate the conversion of harvest schedules generated by the Spectrum model into script files that can be used by the HARVEST simulation model to simulate the implementation of the Spectrum schedules in a spatially explicit way.

Stand-Damage Model

The Stand-Damage Model simulates the growth of individual trees within forest stands. The user can change much about the forest and its environment: the location of the forest, its weather and soil, and the trees at the beginning of the simulation. One can try different logging practices and introduce global warming temperature changes. You can grow your own forest stand and graph the results.

TWIGS-Central States

TWIGS is a DOS program used to simulate growth and yield for forests in the North Central region. It also includes management and economic analysis components. Two variants are available: Central States (Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri) and Lake States (Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin). See Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-125 (Miner et al. 1988. A guide to the TWIGS program for the North Central United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-125, St. Paul, MN: USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, 105p.) for details on running the program.

TWIGS-Lake States
U.S. Forest Carbon Calculation Tool (CCT)

The Carbon Calculation Tool 2007, CCT.exe, is a computer application that reads publicly available forest inventory data collected by the USDA Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (FIA) and generates state-level annualized estimates of carbon stocks on forestland based on FORCARB2 estimators.  Estimates can be recalculated as new inventory data become available.  The input set of FIA data files available on the Internet (as well as some older inventory files used to fill in gaps) are summarized by the application, converted to carbon stocks, and saved as part of a state or substate level “survey summary” file.  This is used to produce state-level and national tables with annualized carbon stocks and flux (or net stock change) beginning with the year 1990.

Software, User’s Guide, and Example Data Sets:

The Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) Model

The UFORE computer model was developed to help managers and researchers quantify urban forest structure and its functions. UFORE is designed to use standardized field data from randomly located plots, and local hourly air pollution and meteorological data to quantify urban forest structure and numerous urban forest effects for cities across the world. The model calculates numerous attributes about the urban forest, including:

  • Species composition
  • Diameter distribution
  • Tree health Species diversity
  • Exotic vs. native species distribution



Last Modified: 10/09/2008