University of Wisconsin - Extension Forage Resources
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Pasture Management & Grazing
  |Pasture Management | Animal Health | Fencing Systems | Water Systems| Stockpiling | Pasture for Horses
                        |Identification and Growth Characteristics of Grasses and Legumes | Establishing, Evaluating and Improving Pasture
|Fertilization | Weed Control | Pasture Ecology |Software | Economics Teaching Aides | Grazing Network Information
|Overwintering | Upcoming Events/Pasture Walk Schedule |Current Research | Pictures|Links| Grazers' Notebook
Corn Silage
Forage Feeding
Red Clover
Other Legumes
Alternative Forages
Cereal Forages
Decision Software
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Pasture Management 
Pastures for Profit- A Guide to Rotational Grazing - .pdf file
UWEX Bulletin A3529

Supplementation on Pasture
Dr. Dan Undersander, Proceedings of the 1999 Wisconsin Forage Council Symposium

Ryegrass Overseeding on Pasture
Dr. Dan Undersander, Proceedings of the 1999 Wisconsin Forage Council Symposium

Evaluation of a Simple Method for Measuring Pasture Yields
Dr. Dennis Cosgrover, Proceedings of the 1999 Wisconsin Forage Council Symposium

Raising Stocker Cattle on Pasture
Larry Smith, Proceedings of the 1999 Wisconsin Forage Council Symposium

Animal Health
Dr. Dan Undersander, UWEX Agronomy Advice, April 1993

Preventing Bloat on Pasture

Dr. Ray Smith University of Manitoba, from the 2001 Wisconsin Forage Council Proceedings 

Nitrate Poisoning in Cattle, Sheep and Goats
Dr. Dan Undersander UWEX Agronomy Advice, April 199

Do You Have Poisonous Weeds in Your Pasture and Forages? 
Dr. Jerry Doll, 2002 Wisconsin Forage Council Proceedings 

Fencing Systems 
NewGrounding Electric Fences
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX 

NewUnderstanding the Basics of Electric Fence Energizers
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX 

NewKeeping the Current Flowing on an Electric Fence
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX 

NewProtecting an Electric Fence From Lightning
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX 

NewPost Selection
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX 

NewSetting Posts
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX 

NewUsing High Tensile Wire
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX 

NewInstalling Braces
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX 

NewLine Posts
Tom Cadwalleder and Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX

Water Systems
Water Systems for Grazing Livestock
Ben Bartlett
The Ins and Outs of Outwintering
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County
Fall Stockpiling of Forage on Pasture
John Cockrell et. al

Extending the Grazing Season
John Cockrell 

Stockpiling Pasture
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

Stockpiling Revisited
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County


Pasture for Horses 
Pastures for Horses - .pdf file
UWEX Bulletin A3680
Identification and Growth Characteristics of Grasses and Legumes 
Birdsfoot Trefoil for Grazing and Harvested Forage - .pdf file
North Central Regional Publication NCR474

Red Clover - Establishment, Management and Utilization - .pdf file
UWEX Bulletin A3492

Ryegrass Types for Pasture and Hay
Dr. Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX Agronomy Advice, Oct. 1996

Uses of Brassica Crops in Grazing Systems
Dr. Dan Undersander, UWEX Agronomy Advice, Dec. 1996

Identifying Pasture Grasses - .pdf file
UWEX Bulletin A3637

Identifying Pasture Legumes - .pdf file
UWEX Bulletin A3787

Maturities of Cool-Season Forage Grasses
Dr. Dan Undersander

Palatability of Cool-Season Forage Grasses 
Dr. Dan Undersander

Native Grasses for Warm Season Pasture
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

Is Kura Clover Worth the Wait
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

Broadleaf Perennials
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

Emergency Forage Plantings
Paul Peterson and others, University of Minnesota.From the 2003 Wisconsin Forage Council Proceedings. Includes information of millets and other warm season annuals for grazing.

Red Clover in the 21st Century 
Dr. Richard Smith, USDA Dairy Forage Research Center. From the2000 Wisconsin Forage Council Proceedings.

Establishing, Evaluating and Improving Pastures
Forage Variety Update for Wisconsin
UWEX Bulletin A1525

Forage Variety Trial Results
Compilation of variety trial results from 1996 to present. Includes grasses and red clover.

Marketers and Traits for Grasses
Descriptions of grass characteristics and marketers 

Marketers and Traits for Red Clover
Descriptions of red clover characteristics and marketers 

Determining Pasture Condition
UWEX Bulletin A3667

Frost Seeding of Forages
Dr. Dan Undersander

Frost Seeding Legumes and Grasses into Pastures
Mike Rankin, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Fond du Lac County

Pasture Seeding Mixes: the More, the Merrier?
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

The Fine Art of Grass Species Selection
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County and Michael Casler- UW Agronomist

Beyond Red Clover: Legume Choices for Wisconsin Pastures
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County and Ken Albrecht- UW Agronomist

Establishment and Management of Switchgrass 
Dr.Dan Undersander

Increasing Pasture Quality and Sward Density
Dennis Cosgrove, UWEX Forage Specialist

Establishing Kura Clover Stands
Ken Albrecht, University of Wisconsin Agronomist

White Clover for Wisconsin Pastures
Ken Albrecht, University of Wisconsin Agronomist

Root and Crown Rots and Viral Diseases of Alfalfa and Clover 
Dean Malvek, UNiversity of Illinois. From the2002 Wisconsin Forage Council Proceedings.

Soil Test Recommendations for Field, Vegetable and Fruit Crops
UW Extension Bulletin A2809 - available for viewing only in a .pdf format.  Contains fertility recommendations for pastures

Nitrogen Fertilization of Pastures
Dr.Dan Undersander

Pasture Fertilization
Dr. Kieth Kelling, Proceedings of the 1999 Wisconsin Forage Council Symposium

Pasture Fertilization: Dealing with the high price of nitrogen
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

Building a Pasture Savings Account
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

Nitrogen Management for Grass Pastures 
Greg Cuomo,University of Minnesota-Morris, Proceedings of the 2000 Wisconsin Forage Council Symposium

Nitrogen Management in Rotationally Grazed Pastures
Dennis Cosgrove UWEX Forage Specialist. 

Weed Control
Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops
UW Extension Bulletin A3646 - available for viewing only in a .pdf format.  Includes information on controlling perennial weeds in pasture

Bull, Plumeless, Musk and Canada Thistle: Their Biology and Management in Pastures
Dr. Jerry Doll, UWEX Agronomy Advice

Weed Control in Pastures Without Chemicals
Drs. Dennis Cosgrove and Jerry Doll, UWEX Agronomy Advice

Pasture Ecology 
Conservation Benefits of CRP vs. MiG
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

Grass Management for the Birds
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

The (Grass) Farmer as Conservationist: Aldo Leopold's Legacy
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County

Managed Grazing and Stream Ecosystems
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County and John Lyons, WDNR

Forage Palatability and Animal Preference
Laura Paine, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Columbia County and Dick Ryan


Determining Pasture Needs - download as an Excel file
A spreadsheet to help evaluate pasture resource needs based on animal numbers

Pasture Nitrogen Fertilizer Profit Calculator - download as an Excel file
A spreadsheet to help evaluate the cost versus return for urea applications to pastures

Pasture Dry Matter Intake Calculator for Dairy Cows - download as an Excel file
A spreadsheet which uses net energy values to etsimate pasture dry matter intake for grazing dairy cows

Management Intensive Rotational Grazing on Wisconsin Dairy Farms: the 1990s. 
               Results of a study conducted by the Program on Agricultural Technology Studies at UW-Madison on
               the use of rotational grazing on Wisconsin Dairy Farms

         Wisconsin Grazing Profitibility Analysis I
               Tom Kriegl, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitibility. Fifth year summary of a study analyzing factors
               affecting dairy grazing profitibility.

         Wisconsin Grazing Profitibility Analysis II
                Tom Kriegl, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitibility. Summary of a presentation at the 2001 Wisconsin Forage
               Council Annual Meeting

         Wisconsin Grazing Profitibility Analysis III
                Tom Kriegl, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitibility. Excel spreadsheet showing cost of production for
                 grazing versus confinement dairies.

         Wisconsin Grazing Profitibility Analysis IV
                Tom Kriegl, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitibility. Several additional Excel spreadsheet showing cost of 
                 production for different types of grazing dairy farms.

         Acres vs. Cows-Comparing Financial Measures
                 Tom Kriegl, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitibility

Teaching Aides 

Beef Grazing Opportunities
Power Point Presentation by Craig Saxe, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Juneau County

Pasture for Horses 2000
Power Point Presentation by Craig Saxe, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Juneau County

Sheep Grazing Opportunities
Power Point Presentation by Craig Saxe, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Juneau County

Stockpiling  Cool-Season Grasses for Winter  Grazing
A Presentation on research conducted to determine species and fertility aspects of stockpiling.

Backgrounding Calves on Pasture
Power Point Presentation by Scott Hendrickson, UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, ManitowocCounty

Increasing Pasture Quality and Sward Density
Power Point Presentation by Dennis Cosgrove UWEX Forage Specialist. 

Low Cost Parlor Options
Power Point Presentation by Vance Haugen UWEX Crops and Soils Agent, Crawford County and Dave
Kammel, UW- Madison

The Good, Bad and Ugly of Grass Varieties
Power Point Presentation by Mike Casler, Dept.ot Agronomy, UW- Madison

Grazing Network Information
Wisconsin Grazing Network Directory

GLCI Steering Committee Members

GLCI Education Grant Information

Upcoming Events/Pasture Walk Schedule

Click Here to Link to Grassworks, Inc Schedule of Upcoming Events and Network Pasture Walk Schedules.

2008 Wisconsin Grazing Schools

Current Research
Biological control of Canada thistle: more work needed

2003. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

  • Economics 
Wisconsin's grazing success: Grazing dairy farms show profit and promise

2005. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Pastures of plenty: Financial performance of Wisconsin grazing dairy farms. 

2005. Tom Kriegl and Ruth McNair. UW-Madison Center for Dairy Profitability and UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Dairy goat enterprise budget. 

2004. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Dairy grazing can provide good financial return

2000. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Grazing's potential: expansion's effects on cash flow . 

1998. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Grazing's potential: predicting expansion's cost, profit . 

1998. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Management intensive rotational grazing's sense...and dollars. 

1996. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems.

  • Overwintering
Outwintering dairy cattle: the fate of manure components

1999. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Outwintering dairy cattle: manure management issues. 

1998. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Outwintering dairy cattle: animal health issues. 

1998. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

  • Pastured Poultry 
Poultry enterprise budget makes management decisions easier. 

2003. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Large-scale pastured poultry farming in the U.S.. 

2003. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Poultry enterprise budget. 

2003. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Raising poultry on pasture. 

2001. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Pastured poultry study addresses broad range of issues. 

1999. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

  • Misc. 
The status of dairy grazing in Wisconsin. 

2005. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems and UW-Madison Program on Agricultural Technology Studies. 

The social implications of management intensive rotational grazing: an annotated bibliography .

2005. Matthew J. Mariola, Kaelyn Stiles, and Sarah Lloyd. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

The status of dairy grazing in Wisconsin: Pasture use on dairy farms widespread

2005. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems and UW-Madison Program on Agricultural Technology Studies. 

Flavor, not health claims, key in marketing pasture-based cheese. 

2003. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Ovsynch results variable on grass-based dairy farms

2002. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Starting your own dairy farm. 

2001. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Starting—and succeeding—as a Wisconsin dairy farmer. 

2001. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Wisconsin grazing networks: a status report. 

2000. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Wisconsin grazing networks: a status report. 

2000. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Cropping systems trial provides unique analysis

1999. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

New Zealand's dairy career path: could it work in Wisconsin? 

1998. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Women on dairy farms: juggling diverse roles and responsibilities. 

1998. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Dairy farmer career paths: getting in, out, and by. 

1998. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Spreading the word: ag professionals and MIRG. 

1998. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Manure management research from an integrated perspective . 

1996. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Farmer-to-farmer networks: effective grass-roots sharing. 

1996. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Land stewardship practices on the Krusenbaum organic dairy farm. 

1995. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

An organic dairying overview from the Krusenbaum farm studies. 

1995. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Project evaluates forage production and potential in northern Wisconsin. 

1993. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Milk production and quality of pastured cows rival confinement feeding. 

1993. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Grazing project combines strength of on-farm, research station studies. 

1993. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

Long-term study evaluates impacts of six Wisconsin cropping systems. 

1993. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 

The use and performance of management intensive rotational grazing among Wisconsin dairy farms in the 1990s. 

2000. Marcia R. Ostrom and Douglas B. Jackson-Smith. UW-Madison Program on Agricultural Technology Studies. 

Management intensive rotational grazing on Wisconsin dairy farms: the 1990s. 

2000. UW-Madison Program on Agricultural Technology Studies. 

Grazing in dairyland: The use and performance of management intensive rotational grazing among Wisconsin dairy farms. 

1996. Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, Brad Barham, Monica Nevius, and Rick Klemme. 

Management intensive rotational grazing among Wisconsin dairy farms: a brief summary of recent ATFFI research results. 

1996. Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, Brad Barham, Monica Nevius, and Rick Klemme. 

Management intensive rotational grazing in Wisconsin: Who's doing it? 

1996. UW-Madison Program on Agricultural Technology Studies. 

Water System Photos

Fencing Photos


Wisconsin State Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI)

Grassworks, Inc        
 NewGrazers' Notebook

A series of Fact Sheets and Research Reviews related to grazing.

NewGrass Clippings

A quarterly newsletter published by the Center for Intergrated Agriculture Systemsa nd UW-Extension with timely articles of interest to grazers.


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