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Grazing Systems Planning Guide

Kevin Blanchet, University of Minnesota Extension Service
Howard Moechnig, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources
Jodi Dejong-Hughes, University of Minnesota Extension Service

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Table of Contents

    Grazing Management Systems
        What are my goals for the grazing system?
    Land and Soils
        What land resources are available for the grazing operation?
        What is the productivity of the soils?
        Are there sensitive land areas or soil limitations for grazing in the pasture?
        What are the forage requirements for each livestock herd?
        What are the plans for potential expansion of the livestock operation?
        How many herds will be grazed?
        What are the existing forage species in the pasture?
        How healthy or in what condition is the pasture?
        What are the estimated yields and seasonal distribution of the existing forages?
    Water Sources
        What are the existing water sources and where are the drinking facilities?
        What are the other potential water sources?
        What are the types and condition of the existing fences?
    Paddock Design and Layout
        How many paddocks are needed for a rotational grazing system?
        How do I decide paddock size?
        What are some considerations for paddock layout?
    Fence Design and Layout
        What kind of fence should I install?
    Water System Design and Layout
        How can I supply adequate water to the livestock?
        Where should drinking facilities be located?
    Heavy Use Area Planning
        What do I consider when planning livestock lanes?
        How do I stabilize the livestock lanes?
        How do I keep the area around water facilities from becoming mudholes?
    Pasture Forage and Livestock Management
        What is proper grazing management for the desired forage species?
        How do pasture and livestock management affect plant growth and forage quality?
        When do I start grazing in the spring?
        When do I move livestock from paddock to paddock?
    Pasture Soil Fertility Management
        Can nutrients from livestock manure be utilized more efficiently in pastures?
        When is increasing soil pH with lime important for forage production?
        How much nitrogen fertilizer do I need to put on my pasture?
        Does phosphorus and potassium fertilizer improve pasture productivity?
    Pasture Brush and Weed Control
        Can unwanted weeds be controlled through grazing?
        What are the cultural and mechanical brush and weed control alternatives for pastures?
        When is control of brush and problem weeds with herbicides the best option?
    Sacrificial Paddock Management
        How will the livestock be managed during times of drought or wet conditions?
        Will sacrificial paddocks be rejuvenated after removal of livestock?
    Pasture Record Keeping
        How do I know I have enough forage available?
        Is the productivity of the pasture increasing?
        Are the natural resources improving?
        A Livestock Forage Monthly Balance Sheet
        B1 Identification Key for Common Forage Species – Grass
        B2 Identification Key for Common Forage Species – Legume
        C1 Determining Grassland Condition/Trend
        C2 Inventory Category Items
        D1 Average Forage Yields for Northern Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin
        D2 Average Forage Yields for Southern Minnesota and Southern Wisconsin
        E Water System Design Considerations
        F Visual Method for Calculating Reserve Herd Days
        G Calculated Method for Reserve Herd Days
        H Grazing Plan Checklist
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