Endangered Species Program
Midwest Region


Section 7 Consultation

S7 Technical Assistance

fS7 Step-by-Step Instructions

fSpecies' Life Histories

fSpecies Specific S7 Guidance & Conservation Measures

fES Field Office Contacts

fExample Documentations
and Letters



S7 Consultation Technical Assistance

Species Specific Section 7 Guidance and Conservation Measures


We are in the process of developing conservation measures and species-specific guidance for section 7 related decisions. As we develop the products, they will be posted.


The information provided falls into 3 general categories: (1) conservation measures for avoiding or minimizing adverse effects, (2) guidance for determining “may be present,” and (3) proactive management suggestions.



Topeka shiner (Notropis topeka)
Guidelines for Construction Projects that May Affect Topeka Shiner Habitat in Minnesota



Dakota Skipper Conservation Guidelines - this link will take you out of the S7 Technical Assistance web pages, click on the back arrow on your toolbar to return to this page.


Karner Blue Butterfly

The Wisconsin DNR Karner blue web page has High Potential Range Maps in Wisconsin. Scroll to the middle of the page for links to the maps.



Minnesota dwarf trout lily(Erythronium propullans)
Determining Whether Minnesota Dwarf Trout Lily may be present in a project area in Minnesota


Running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum)
Management Recommendations for Running Buffalo Clover in Ohio


Western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara)
Determining Whether Western Prairie Fringed Orchid (Platanthera praeclara) May be Present in a Project Area in Minnesota




Last updated: November 5, 2008