Animals & pathogens

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Invasive animal and pathogen documents & photographs

This page includes links to all our resources specific to invasive animal and pathogen species. For information on plant invaders, please refer to our invasive plants page. Note our disclaimer regarding lists of species resources on our web site.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Try searching our listserve archives for information on the organism that interests you.

Are you an expert on a species not properly treated on our web site? Please tell us what we have missed. Would you be willing to write a pest profile for us?

Most of the photographs of invasive animals and pathogens on our site are not owned by us, but are used with permission of the owners. If you would like to use any of the images shown on our site, look at the usage policies and ownership information given on our inventory of photographs.

Note our disclaimer regarding lists of species resources on our web site.

Search for animal invaders and pathogens
(Common name index)

1)The date after each name indicates revision dates for our material.
2)No standard source is available to regulate common name usage.

Search for animal invaders and pathogens
(Latin name index)

1)The date after each name indicates revision dates for our material.
2)No standard source is available to regulate Latin name usage.

Invasive plant management
Research the information we have on the management of a particular species of invasive plant here.
Weed Control Methods Handbook
An electronic handbook provides detailed information on the use of manual and mechanical techniques, grazing, prescribed fire, biocontrol, and herbicides, to help you control undesirable invasive plants.
Tool reviews
Read our reviews of hardware that are useful for those working in invasive species management.

Other site resources

Gallery of pests
A rogue's gallery of many of the invasive pests and pathogens that have invaded North America, or that have the potential to do so.
Weed Information Management System (WIMS)
A fully-integrated hardware and software application for mapping invasives and tracking management actions.
Remote sensing
A review of remote sensing technology, as applied to invasive species detection and mapping.
Photography archive
One of the largest collections of photographs of invasive species (mostly plants) available on the web.
Red Alerts!
Species which are either new to an area, or are showing alarming symptoms such as signs of signicant, new expansion.
Templates and examples
Adaptive management planning tools such as model plans for sites, weed control templates, etc. Very useful!
Join our listserve to voice your frustrations and trumpet your successes.
Volunteer coordination and public outreach
Powerpoint presentations on invasive species, weed pamphlets, on developing weed management areas, and more.

Updated September 2008
©The Nature Conservancy, 2005