Citricidal, grapefruit seed extract, is a safe disinfectant as well as a cure for some diseases.
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holistic medicines, natural, holistic, citricidal, disinfectant, grapefruit seed extract, grapefruit, medicines, avian influenza, health, cures, remedies, birds pets pet bird parrots parrot magazines ezines e-zines

Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine, Pet Bird Ezine
Pet Bird
Magazine, Ezine

August 1998 Magazine

 * Article III - The Kitchen Physician VII - Citricidal: Cure & Disinfectant

  • One of the uses for which I like Nutribiotic most is cleaning up babies after syringe feedings. It gets their feathers and down squeaky clean and kills the bacteria caused by formula that might soil their feathers during feeding. I add a few drops to a bowl of warm water to wet the cleaning cloth.

  • Citricidal may be used for cleaning brooders, incubators, and for sterilizing pipettes, spoons, and syringes.

  • If you put 3 or 4 drops of GSE per gallon of reservoir water into the water reservoir of your incubator or your humidifier, the slimy algae will not grow. This will work wherever standing water is present.

  • For the drinking water of parrots, place one drop of Nutribiotic Citricidal in the water dish to prevent the growth of pathogens and to remove existing parasites. There have been claims that Citricidal cured several parrots of stubborn cases of Giardia, but there is no documentation for those claims.

  • GSE makes an excellent decontaminant for wood surfaces such as perches. Apply GSE full strength, just a few drops o the cleaned wood while still wet. Let stand for half an hour. As an alternative method, you can also mix a strong solution, a tablespoon in sixteen ounces of clean water, and spray or dip perches, leaving on for 1/2 hour. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

  • GSE is such a broad-spectrum solution, it is becoming the first-line of defense for many farmers and veterinarians. Our four-legged friends can benefit greatly from use of GSE. It is an excellent remedy for skin diseases and external injuries. It stimulates the immune systems of animals and aids in the absorption of nutrients by eliminating undesirable micro-organisms in the gut. It is compatible with most antibiotics. GSE does not produce the negative side effects associated with antibiotic use. Intestinal flora remains in balance with the use of GSE.

  • For external use, like skin fungi or bacterial diseases of the skin: Mix 30 to 40 drops of liquid extract of Nutribiotic Citricidal in a quart of water, and spray on the infected area. If advisable, mix into a shampoo solution and leave on the skin or fur for a few minutes, then rinse well. This same dilution can be used as a general antiseptic for cages or any other contact areas.

  • For internal use, the rule of thumb for gastrointestinal disorders, including bacterial, fungal, parasitic, or viral, is to use one drop of liquid concentrate per 10 pounds (5kg) of live weight.

  • Make your own organic Kitchen & Bath Spray by adding one or two drops per ounce of distilled water. Rinse vegetables and fruits well, or for a more thorough treatment, soak them for fifteen minutes and rinse thoroughly.

  • Hospitals add GSE to their carpet shampoo machines. It is reported that ten to fifteen drops per gallon in the reservoir is effective in killing staph, strep, aspergillus, salmonella and many other pathogenic organisms that are present in hospital carpets.

  • Numerous clinics and medical practitioners consider the availability of grapefruit seed extract to be a major therapeutic breakthrough for patients with chronic parasitic and yeast infections. One doctor reports treatment failures in only two cases out of 297!

  • Gargling with GSE and water will handle the most resistant Strep germs. The necessary dilution of GSE against Streptococcus faecalis is only 1:80,000 in vitro. In vivo, doctors are recommending gargling with two or three drops in five ounces of water. This gives an effective and potent dilution ratio of about 300-500 ppm.

  • Grapefruit seed extract (Citricidal) can be used to clean fungus and mildew off swimming pools and birdbaths. It is user-friendly, and environmentally safe.

  • Citricidal can be used in the garden to control aphids, snails, fungus, mildew, and algae. Use in hot-tubs or Jacuzzis (one to two ounces per hundred gallons) or less if you are also treating with ozone. When you compare the cost of Citricidal to pool chemicals, both monetarily and in medical costs that can result from the exposure to chemical vapors, it compares favorably to other forms of disinfection.

  • Drinking Water can be made safe by ten drops for each gallon of clear water. Agitate or mix vigorously and let it rest for a few minutes. It may be used as a prophylactic agent for those who travel abroad.

Copyright © 1998 Carolyn Swicegood and Winged Wisdom. All rights reserved.

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Citricidal, grapefruit seed extract, is a safe disinfectant as well as a cure for some diseases. A natural medicine, tested and validated by the FDA, USDA, the Pasteur Institute in France and physicians.