Flora of North America


Major involvement in the Flora of North America (FNA) project is a notable component of the Institute's long-term research program. This bi-nationally collaborative endeavor, undertaken by a consortium of 30 institutions and hundreds of botanists, was initiated by the Hunt Institute and the Missouri Botanical Garden.

A page from volume 2 of Flora of North America, showing the entry for Tsuga canadensis (Eastern hemlock), the state tree of Pennsylvania. Reproduced with permission of the Flora of North America Organization.

The Flora of North America presents for the first time, in one comprehensive source, information on the names, taxonomic relationships, continent-wide distributions, and morphological characteristics of all of the more than 20,000 species of plants native to or naturalized in North America north of Mexico. The volumes include scientific and common plant names, illustrations, identification keys, descriptions, distribution maps, and other biological information. The Flora is an authoritative resource for those working in the fields of conservation, agriculture, natural resource management, zoology, environmental assessment, and medical research, as well as in botany itself.

The Flora will appear in 30 volumes and will be available in print and on the Web. Volumes 1 and 2 were published in 1993, Volume 3 in 1997, Volume 22 in 2000, Volumes 23 and 26 in 2002, Volumes 4 and 25 in 2003, Volume 5 in 2004, and Volumes 19, 20, and 21 (the Asteraceae volumes) as a set in 2006. All are available from Oxford University Press (OUP). Volumes 6, 7, 24, and 27 are scheduled to appear in 2007. The project’s goal is to complete all 30 volumes by 2011.

The Hunt Institute is home to one of several FNA editorial centers in the United States and Canada, and processes treatments of vascular plants for various volumes. Most recently the Institute handled Volumes 26 and 5 and assisted in the preparation of Volume 4. The next volume scheduled for processing here is Volume 6.

The Institute’s director, Robert Kiger, is lead editor at the center, as well as bibliographic and taxon editor for the project, and a member of the Flora of North America Association’s Executive Committee, Editorial Management Committee, and Board of Directors. As bibliographic editor, he is building an associated comprehensive bibliographic database. His taxon editing duties have included coordinating the treatments of families and genera in the orders Papaverales and Liliales.

Also contributing to the Flora is the Institute’s assistant director, Terry Jacobsen. He and Dale McNeal, a colleague at the University of the Pacific, prepared the treatment of Allium (onions and their relatives), the native species of which are widely distributed throughout the continent; there are approximately 90 species and varieties in the flora area.

Senior technical editor Mary Ann Schmidt is responsible for applying the project’s specialized formatting, style, and usage standards to manuscripts being edited for the Flora.

Frederick Utech, principal research scientist at the Institute, was a special advisor for the Liliales during the preparation of Volume 26. He also authored the treatments of 14 genera that appear in that volume. He continues to contribute his botanical expertise as taxon editor for various families in future volumes of the Flora.

The Institute published the Categorical Glossary for the Flora of North America Project, by Robert Kiger and Duncan Porter, in 2001. This indispensable resource is the FNA standard for terminology and definitions. The glossary is also available as a searchable database.

If you would like to know more about the Flora of North America project, see the FNA home page.


For more information, contact the Flora of North America staff.


URL for this page: huntbot.andrew.cmu.edu /HIBD/Departments/FNA.shtml

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