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OSU Today is a daily e-mail news briefing provided by OSU News and Communication Services. To subscribe or unsubscribe to the mailing list, visit here.

Questions, comments and ideas for news briefs may be sent to osutoday or Todd Simmons.


Today in the News Media

Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media.

U. of C. to introduce 'open housing'
(Chicago Tribune)

The University of Chicago will undertake a bold experiment in chemistry: coed dorm rooms. The pilot program allowing male and female students to sleep in the same room will start next month. It's not intended for romantic couples, but they won't be excluded, because the university won't ask students why they want to live together. The proposal was a student-led initiative, university officials said. Josh Gana, assistant director for operations and facilities with university housing at Oregon State University, said their "gender inclusives" program has been a great success. The program was introduced in fall 2007, Gana said, and the university will have more than doubled the number of mixed-gender arrangements this year.

Obama gets it right on Lubchenco

The Oregonian Editorial Board says: We don't toss around the words "brilliant" and "genius" lightly or too often. But they're exactly the right words to describe President-elect Barack Obama's choice to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.That Jane Lubchenco teaches marine biology and zoology at Oregon State University is also a nice plus for our state. But her world-renowned research on climate change, the nation's fisheries and ocean dead zones (including those off the Oregon Coast) makes her the perfect person to run a critical agency.

Obama's science appointees team of all-stars
(Christian Science Monitor)

Call it the “green team” or the “dream team.” Either way, President-elect Barack Obama’s choices to fill top science and environment-related posts in his new administration represent a remarkable assembly of talent. The four most recent additions came over the weekend. They include Jane Lubchenco, a highly regarded marine scientist from Oregon State University to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The new boss at Cascades Campus
(Bend Bulletin)

For two decades, Johnson, 53, has been an economics professor and a behind-the-scenes administrator at Oregon State University, where she won accolades for helping to guide efforts to rewrite strategic plans, and to oversee academic and international programs. Now, she’s in the spotlight.

This week on campus

Dec. 25-26: Campus is closed.

Upcoming Events

Winston Wilkinson, outgoing director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Office for Civil Rights, will speak at Oregon State University 7 p.m., Jan. 29 in Milam Auditorium on campus. He will be speaking on the topic, “Social Justice: The State of the Union.”

OSU is undergoing its cyclical re-accreditation by the NCAA. Members of the university community and the public are invited to provide input as part of that process. Four public sessions have been scheduled for January, and all are welcome to attend:
• Jan. 12, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., MU Journey Room
• Jan. 15, 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. in Portland at the California Bank Building
• Jan. 22, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., LaSells Stewart Center Ag Production Room
• Jan. 25, 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m., MU Journey Room.
For additional information, e-mail Snn McLaughlin.

For more upcoming events, go to

News for Employees

Reminder: During the holiday break, OSU Today will come out once a week. We will return to our week-day schedule beginning Jan. 5. The next edition of Life@OSU will appear Jan. 8.

If you are unable to attend the Sun Bowl but still want to support OSU Athletics, fans are encouraged to purchase and donate a $40 ticket. These tickets will be donated to local military personnel in El Paso. For each Sun Bowl ticket donated, OSU Athletics will send you two tickets to any home 2008-09 Men’s Basketball game (excluding Oregon). Sun Bowl tickets can be donated by calling 1-800-GO-BEAVS, online here, or in person at the Ticket Office (107 Gill Coliseum).

The Research Office Incentive Funds is requesting Letters of Intent for the National Science Foundation - Math and Science Partnership (NSF-MSP) program. This is a limited submission program. Letter of Intent guidelines to the Research Office may be accessed at NSF-MSP guidelines may be accessed at: Letters of Intent submission deadline to the Research Office is Jan. 9 and should be sent as a MS Word or PDF document to: For more information contact Debbie Delmore at 737-8390.

The Research Office is requesting Letters of Intent from interested faculty for the National Science Foundation (NSF) - Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program. This is a limited submission program. An IGERT brown bag lunch question, answer and strategy session is being offered for all those planning to submit letters. The session takes place at noon Jan. 13 in the Memorial Union, LaRaza Room 208. For more information call Debbie Delmore at 541-737-8390.

The 2008-09 OSU Directory has arrived and all department pre-orders have been delivered. If your department needs more copies, call Kami Hammerschmith in Student Media at 541-737-6379 or come to 118 Memorial Union East/Snell Hall. The directories are $2 each and can be billed to an OSU index number. OSU Directories put out in the Memorial Union are free to OSU students only.

The OSU Women’s Center is proud to present its first ever “Calendar of Hope.” This 18-month calendar features OSU students, staff and faculty who have completed the phrase, “When Violence Against Women and Children Ends….I will______.” The photography by OSU art students Daron Jackson and Katie Holloway is stunning, and the calendar features helpful information for anyone in the OSU community who might need to refer a student or colleague to support/advocacy , medical, educational and reporting options if she/he is a survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault or abuse. Calendars are available at the Women’s Center for $15 and checks should be payable to the OSU Foundation. Proceeds will be used for sexual violence education at OSU. Women’s Center phone number is 541-737-3186.

To observe their 75th Anniversary, the Agricultural Research Foundation is inviting proposals for two special grants that will be awarded for $50,000/ year for two years. These are separate from the normal $12,500 grants that will be announced later in the spring. They must be interdisciplinary in nature, and they must include principal investigators from at least two different departments or colleges. Send a 1-to1 ½--page pre-proposal including a comment on the importance of the research to Oregon agriculture and natural resources, and a summary of the intended research. Preference will be given to proposals that may lead to practical products or practices, including projects investigating agricultural environmental impact. Pre-proposal deadline is 5 p.m. Jan. 30. Submit one hard copy to Agricultural Research Foundation, Strand Agricultural Hall, Ste. 100, Oregon State University, OR., 97331.

James S. McDonnell Foundation is now accepting grant proposals for 21st Century Research Awards to support research on brain cancer or studying complex systems. The award amount is up to $450,000 for three-to-six year projects. Proposals may be submitted between Feb. 10 - March 17 for research projects beginning in September or October 2009. A full program description and application instructions are available at Info: 541-737-6961 or Martha Coleman.

The English Language Institute (ELI) at Oregon State University is in need of host families to host an international university student for a three-night homestay. Students will be picked up from campus on Saturday morning, Feb. 7, and returned to campus Tuesday morning, Feb. 10. The ELI pays a $20 per night stipend per student for this three-night stay. Host families may host one or two students as long as the students sleep in separate beds. These students are here for a short language/culture program. The homestay provides an opportunity for them to practice speaking English and learn more about American culture. Host families can live in Corvallis or surrounding areas like Albany, Lebanon, etc. Please email or call Candy Pierson-Charlton, ELI Coordinator of Student Services, if you can help: 541-737-6981 or

Recreational Sports memberships for winter term are on sale now. Start using the facility today! You can also register for programs, trips, and classes, like the snow shuttle to Mt. Hood - Timberline or a first aid & CPR class. Sign-up at RecServices in Dixon Recreation Center, 541-737-3736. Dixon Recreation Center is open every day over the winter break except Dec. 25 and 26 and Jan. 1.

The Research Office Incentive Programs is requesting Letters of Intent for the Higher Education for Development (HED) - US Agency for International Development (USAID) - Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative Planning Grants from interested faculty. This is a limited submission program. Guidance for preparation of Letters of Intent to the Research Office may be accessed at: Letters of Intent submission deadline to the Research Office is Monday, Dec. 22. Closing Date for HED-USAID-Africa-US Higher Education Initiative Planning Grants is: Feb. 2. Letters of Intent should be submitted electronically as a MS Word or PDF document to Info: 737-8390.

Due to the holiday schedule, the Research Office is extending the deadline for the NSF - Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) program. Letters of Intent submission deadline to the Research Office is extended to Friday, Jan. 9. NSF Preliminary Proposal Due Date: Feb. 26. Guidance for preparation Letters of Intent to the Research Office: NSF - PIRE program:

Shopping for the Holidays? Don’t forget OSU-licensed merchandise and apparel, including the new “Junior Benny” products, for the Beavers in your family. Get a look at some of what’s available now at the Beaver Authentics site.

Construction, Traffic & Maintenance

Transit & Parking Services will be closed Dec. 24, 25, 26 and Jan. 1 and 2.


As of 8 a.m., it was snowing hard on campus, but the wintry weather may turn back to rain just as quickly. For folks driving out of the Corvallis area later this week, remember to check changing road conditions through the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Web site, and call ahead to check on outgoing and incoming flights.


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