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Welcome to our Center’s website.  Read on to learn more about the Center’s activities and why the work of economic education is important to us as individuals, families, citizens, workers, and societies.  If you are already committed to economic education, click on an area to the left to find ways to continue your mission.

Economic Education

Economic education encompasses important skill-building endeavors.  As adults, we are called upon to make economic decisions every day of our lives. However, this crucial life skill is virtually ignored in elementary and secondary education. For those who attend college, an economics course is often too little, too late. Those who forego college may never be educated in economics and, therefore, are seriously disadvantaged.

Beginning in pre-school, children are taught life skills that will guide them as successful adults. These include reading, writing and arithmetic - commonly referred to as the three "r"s. However, a skill called upon every day of adult life - personal financial responsibility - is overlooked in schools and, often times, the money management lessons acquired at home are inadequate or, worse yet, detrimental to future financial success.  The Center’s mission is to help teachers bring the important lessons of financial responsibility to their students.  However, personal finance should not be taught as isolated from economics.  The study of economics is the foundation of understanding decision making, whether personal or societal.  So, join us for a course, a workshop or a program and bring important life lessons to your students.