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EOWG Minuting Instructions


  1. Before the Meeting
  2. During the Meeting
  3. After the Meeting: Editing Draft Minutes

Before the Meeting

Scribes, please do this several minutes before the start of the meeting. I think you can do this up to 1 hour before the scheduled meeting time.

Enter the following commands in the #eo IRC channel:

During the Meeting

Enter the following commands in the #eo IRC channel.

At the end of the meeting

Do the following right after the meeting (because the agenda and regrets get wiped away after the meeting:

  1. Type: rrsagent, draft minutes
  2. Download the content from: http://www.w3.org/YYYY/MM/DD-eo-minutes.html
  3. Agenda: Copy the agenda items from http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Overview#agenda and paste it at the top of the minutes under the <h1>, see example. Make sure to markup up the lists and include the links.
  4. Regrets: Make sure you have all the regrets from the attendance questionnaire (Note that this is formatted as a definition list <dl>.)

After the Meeting: Editing Draft Minutes