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Why USDA’sTechnology Protection System (aka “Terminator”) Benefits Agriculture



A discovery to spur new crop improvement

On March 3, 1998, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Delta and Pine Land Co., Scott, Miss., a major breeder of cotton and soybeans, received U.S. Patent 5,723,765 entitled "Control of Plant Gene Expression." The patent covers technology referred to as the Technology Protection System (TPS).

TPS uses a genetic engineering approach to prevent unwanted germination of plant seeds. The patent was based on research conducted under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between Delta and Pine Land Co. and the ARS. The CRADA was signed in 1993. The ARS portion of the work was done at the agency's Cropping Systems Research Laboratory in Lubbock, Tex.

It should be noted that ARS has entered into more than 825 CRADAs since passage of the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986. This act and various other Federal laws—including the Stevenson-Wydler Act of 1980 and the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980—make the transfer of new technology to the private sector and industry a responsibility of all Federal research agencies.


How does TPS work?


Like most genetically engineered plants, TPS plants are transgenic, meaning their new genes come from other species. TPS plants hold three new genes: two derived from bacteria, and one from another plant. The bacterial genes' only function is to help the newly introduced plant gene to work.

Before sale, seeds of the plants are treated with a compound that activates a molecular switch in one of the bacterial genes. This switch begins a chain reaction that readies the plant gene for eventual action.

The farmer plants the seed and cultivates the crop in the usual manner. When—and only when—the crop's new harvest of seed is almost finished maturing, the new plant gene becomes active. The gene then stops the seed from manufacturing any of the protein it would need to germinate and produce offspring plants.

Aside from the inability of the second-generation seeds to germinate, in all other respects the plants grown from treated TPS seeds should perform normally in terms of growth, maturation, harvest and quality. Also, if seeds of TPS plants do not undergo the seed treatment before planting, the TPS plants produce second-generation seeds that are capable of germination.


What is the commercialization status of the technology and what is the role of the Agricultural Research Service in TPS research?


The discovery of TPS was a joint invention by Delta and Pine Land Co. and ARS, which means each party is a co-owner and may act independently from the other. Furthermore the discovery was made under a CRADA. This law provides that government owned CRADA inventions will be licensed exclusively to the cooperator. The two parties have negotiated a license for the use of ARS' rights to the technology.

ARS will be an active participant in deciding how the technology is applied. ARS' involvement will ensure that the public interest is represented.

It is ARS policy that technology in which it has an ownership interest will be made widely available. Therefore, this technology will be widely available for research purposes by public and private researchers. In line with ARS policy, Delta and Pine Land Co. has agreed to make the technology widely available for sublicensing to other seed companies.

Delta and Pine Land Co. researchers are further developing the technology to ready it for commercial use. However, even the most optimistic predictions estimate that commercial cotton with built-in TPS technology may not be available until 2004.


What are the potential benefits of TPS technology?


Hybrid seeds found in corn, sunflower, sorghum and other crops provide a conventional genetic protection system that allows seed companies to protect their investment in developing and marketing new varieties.

But other crops produce seed that can be saved and replanted in the next growing season, although the saved seed has lower quality than material developed to meet the standards for certified or commercial markets. Because of this seed-saving practice, companies are often reluctant to make research investments in many crops; they cannot recoup their multi-year investment in developing improved varieties through sales in one year.

TPS would protect investments made in breeding or genetically engineering these crops. It would do this by reducing potential sales losses from unauthorized reproduction and sale of seed. The knowledge that the seed companies could potentially recoup their investment through sales will provide a stronger incentive for the companies to develop new, more useful varieties that the market demands.

Today's emerging scientific approaches to crop breeding—especially genetic engineering approaches—could be crucial to meeting future world food needs, conserving soil and water, conserving genetic resources, reducing negative environmental effects of farming, and spurring farm and other economic growth.

TPS technology will contribute to these outcomes by encouraging development of new crop varieties with increased nutrition to benefit consumers and with stronger resistance to drought, disease and insects to benefit farmers for example.


Limiting the spread of genes


A concern has often been expressed that transgenes might escape from genetically modified plants into wild populations. One of the main purposes for the development of TPS was to offer a way in which the risk could be restricted or completely eliminated.

Cotton plants containing the activated TPS genes are evolutionary “dead ends.” They cannot reproduce nor can their pollen create a new generation when fertilizing a non-TPS plant. The activated TPS plant produces non-germinating seed and pollen. If pollen fertilizes a non-TPS plant, the seed produced cannot germinate. This renders the activated TPS plant self limiting.

The current TPS was designed for use in self-pollinating crops where pollen spread to neighboring fields is not significant. In crops that spread pollen over wide areas this TPS is not suitable, since the spread of activated TPS pollen would be detrimental to neighboring crops.

Research is currently underway to modify the TPS so that pollen will not contain any transgenes (neither TPS nor the inserted gene of economic importance). Pollen from such modified TPS plants would be completely normal.


What plants will TPS work with?


The patent covers all plants. The genetic molecular switch was originally inserted into tobacco cells as a model for later research. The ARS researchers subsequently inserted TPS genes into cotton cells, which grew into normal cotton plants in a greenhouse. The TPS would have to be designed specifically for each crop.

TPS will initially be used with self-pollinated crops such as cotton, soybeans and wheat.

In cross-pollinated crops such as corn, grain sorghum, sunflower, and canola, it would not be used in its present form. These crops will benefit from this technology when the next generation of TPS is developed and tested. All of these crops usually have hybrid varieties whose seed is not saved because it is not uniformly like the parent seed, which causes yield and quality losses.

The TPS system might, however, be used with these hybrids to prevent the spread of novel genes from conventional hybrids into wild populations. Essentially, the TPS technology gives self-pollinating crops a similar varietal protection to that currently enjoyed by hybrid varieties of cross-pollinated crops.

Commercial production of TPS plants—as with any gene-engineered plant—would require approval by USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Food crops must also conform to rules of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These approvals are expected because there appear to be no crop or food safety risks to the new technology. There also appear to be no environmental risks.

Because of the cost of developing improved varieties, it is doubtful if the time and expense would be justified for incorporating TPS into many varieties.

Also, ARS has no plans to insert the system into improved plant materials it publicly releases for variety development programs and will continue its policy of an extra level of review for projects utilizing TPS genes. The nonprofit international agricultural research centers' breeding programs will probably not do so either.

Thus, farmers will continue to have a choice of varieties with and without the TPS.


What are the implications for small farmers in the U.S. and abroad?


Small farmers may benefit greatly if the invention stimulates the extension of biotechnology to "minor crops" such as tomatoes. Many minor crops—so-called because they don't occupy a large share of the crop acreage in the U.S. or abroad, even if high-value—are limited by lack of technology to manage pests or produce and harvest the crop efficiently. The private sector sees too low a rate of return to justify the plant breeding research investment in varietal improvement. As a result, growers' productivity—and crop quality—may be lower than their potential. But the new TPS technology could change the equation.

Could the new technology hurt small farmers by ending "brown-bagging," the practice of collecting seed at harvest and bagging it to use as the next year's planting stock?

Few U.S. farmers do this; it is much more common in other countries. Countries where brown bagging is common practice will still be able to save their traditional seeds and other public varieties.

Furthermore, loss of cost savings from brown-bagging also must be weighed against the productivity gains to the farmer from having superior new varieties that could increase crop values such as yield and quality, input cost reductions such as for fertilizers and pesticides, and reduce losses such as those due to pests or adverse soils and weather.

Raising the economic incentive for minor crop improvement and crop development will raise the rate of return for growers. Market forces will limit the spread of TPS in the seed market to levels that are cost effective. If the cost of the improved seeds does not result in greater value to the producer, there will be no market for the TPS varieties.

Revision posted December 28, 2001


Last Modified: 03/29/2004
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