[ USDA Forest Service - Southern Research Station ]
Research Work Unit SRS 4803
Forest Health Monitoring Research
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Our mission is to sustain and enhance forest ecosystems and the benefits they provide.  We are the national research center for the U.S.F.S. Forest Health Monitoring Program.  We produce National assessments of forest health status and trends, and conduct research aimed at improving those assessments over time.  Our work is coordinated with other national and international research and assessment  programs.  Our scientists specialize in statistics and modeling, forest biometrics, ecological assessment, and landscape ecology.  Follow the links below to learn more about us.

Site Navigation USFS SRS 4803 Contact Information

Forest Health Monitoring

Statistics and Modeling

Landscape Assessment

North Carolina State University Cooperative

Bill Bechtold
USDA Forest Service
Southern Research Station
200 W.T. Weaver Blvd.
Asheville, North Carolina 28804 USA
828.257.4357 Phone
828.257.4213 Fax
Unit Staff
Research Work Unit Description
Vicinity Road Map
Last update 20 July 2005