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Bat Inventory and Training at the Jaguar Reserve, Sonora, Mexico
Southwest Region, August 21, 2008
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Bats, many species of which are considered to be at-risk, are an integral part of ecosystems throughout the world and provide significant ecological services, such as pollination and seed dispersion.  Maintaining their presence is critical to the health and function of these systems.  However, information on the distribution and status of many bats in Sonora remains scarce with some exceptions.  For example, the lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae), listed as threatened by México and endangered by the U.S., has been the subject of long-term monitoring at the El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve.  To add to this and other bat survey efforts in Sonora, as well as to build capacity for bat conservation in Sonora, the Arizona Ecological Services Office conducted a bat inventory with Naturalia at their recently established Jaguar Reserve in Sonora from June 6 to 11, 2008, to provide baseline information to the reserve manager and training to local University students in survey techniques to facilitate the conservation of bats in the region.  As a result of our initial efforts, we documented 12 bat species, including the lesser long-nosed bat, and the students became proficient in mist-netting and handling techniques, as well as bat identification.  In addition to bats, 7 other mammal, two fish, five amphibian, 11 reptile, and 54 bird species were documented, some of which had not been previously recorded at the reserve.  Next year, we plan to expand the bat inventory and training program to include both of Naturalia’s reserves in Sonora. 

Contact Info: Nick Carrillo, (602) 242-0210x203,

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