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Indiana Bats Discovered at Great Swamp NWR
10 Region, August 5, 2005
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Great Swamp NWR hired a contractor this summer to conduct bat mist-netting surveys on the refuge. The refuge wanted to determine if the federally endangered Indiana bat uses the refuge during the summer months. After 5 nights of mist-netting, a total of 11 Indiana bats were caught (1 adult male, 2 adult females and 8 juveniles). The juveniles were born this summer and this confirms that there is a maternity colony of Indiana Bats on the refuge. Great Swamp NWR is the first refuge in the region to have confirmed this. The refuge is not far from the 3 hibernacula sites in Rockaway Township. In addition, the refuge confirmed the presence of 7 different species of bats on the refuge during the surveys including a rare small-footed bat. Next summer, the refuge will continue to work with the New Jersey Field Office on this project. We are planning on expanding our survey efforts to include mist-netting at additional locations and using telemetry to track the bats to the roost trees. Since there is little information that has been collected on the summer habitat use and behavior of these rare bats, the information collected in the future from Great Swamp NWR can be used to better protect and manage this species in the future.

No contact information available. Please contact Charles Traxler, 612-713-5313,

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