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Valuable Wetlands Added to the Pondicherry Division of the Silvio. O Conte NFWR
Northeast Region, June 13, 2005
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The Pondicherry Division of the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge in Whitefield and Jefferson New Hampshire increased in size by 10% last Friday with the addition of 500 acres of wetlands and spruce-fir forests in Whitefield. The acquisition includes a historic stretch of the Johns River called Hazens Pond that provides important habitat for wetland-dependent wildlife. The four separate tracts were purchased from the Dodge Family of Whitefield with funding from the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund. This fund is better known as the Duck Stamp fund and was also used to acquire the 615 acre Moorhen Marsh tract in Jefferson. Birders had the opportunity to preview the Dodge Tract acquisition during International Migratory Bird Day on 14 May. Numerous warblers and waterfowl were observed on this field trip that included John and David Dodge as participants. Moose, bear, deer, beaver, muskrat, otter, and bobcat are often seen on this tract. Great blue heron, green heron, American bittern, Wilson's snipe, American woodcock, Virginia rail, sora, ring-necked duck, and marsh wrens call this place home. The NH Chapter of the Nature Conservancy played a critical role in the acquisition and their help is greatly appreciated by refuge visitors and the Friends of Pondicherry. For more information and a photograph go to this Nature Conservancy link:

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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