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Amoskeag Fishways Partnership Celebrates Ten Years of Cooperation on the Merrimack River
Northeast Region, April 8, 2005
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The partners of the Amoskeag Fishways Partnership -- Public Service of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, New Hampshire Audubon, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- celebrated 10 years of success on April 8 in providing environmental education and promoting wise stewardship of our water resources, ?bringing to life the magic of the Merrimack? for the people of New Hampshire.

The mission of the Amoskeag Fishways Partnership is to increase science and environmental education opportunities at the Amoskeag Fishways visitor and education center in Manchester, and to enhance public awareness about the natural resources of the state of New Hampshire. The four partner organizations work cooperatively to create innovative, year-round educational programs and exhibits at the fishways for people of all ages. The facility, which features exhibits, a fish ladder, viewing window and classroom space, has been visited by a half-million people since it opened its doors in 1995. Fishways staff and volunteers also reach out into the community, presenting programs on urban wildlife to school groups and others. More than 6,000 programs in local and regional schools have been delivered to date.

Currently, Amoskeag Fishways staff and volunteers are preparing for this year's ?fish season,? May 2 through June 17, when the 54-step fish ladder is operating, allowing migrating fish to bypass the Amoskeag Hydroelectric Dam. From the vantage point of the center's underwater viewing window, visitors can see fish such as river herring, American shad, American eel, and sea lamprey ?climb? the ladder.

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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