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US Fish and Wildlife Service Partners with US Army Reserves
10 Region, November 7, 2004
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US Army Reserves, Vallejo California partnered with US Fish and Wildlife Service for a military training exercise. The 801st Engineer Company (Reserves) conducted a training exercise at San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) on the Cullinan Ranch Unit. The Refuge is currently in the planning process of restoring the 1500 acre Cullinan Unit to full tidal flows and an Environmental Impact Statement will be available for public review in 2005. However, an old pole barn was deteriorating rapidly and becoming a safety hazard that had to be removed earlier than expected. Through a Memorandum of Understanding the two government entities worked together and the pole barn was demolished with all the debris removed within a single weekend. The Reserves were able to gain experience using their equipment in a real world setting. The Refuge was able to remove the pole barn safely and quickly. The best part is that the Reserves are going to keep the materials from the barn and re-use them as part of other training exercises, so the materials aren?t going into a landfill. This is the second partnering project conducted between San Pablo Bay NWR and the US Army Reserves Mare Island. Future partnering projects are anticipated.

No contact information available. Please contact Charles Traxler, 612-713-5313,

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