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Laysan Ducks Released on Midway Atoll NWR
Pacific Region, October 3, 2004
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The residents of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge are always happy to have newcomers to their island, but now they have some very special guests. Twenty endangered Laysan ducks will now be calling Midway their home. Biologists from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Island Ecosystem Research Center brought the young ducks from the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge to Midway on the evening of October 3. ?We are pleased with how well the ducks have traveled and adapted to their new home,? said USGS's Dr. Michelle Reynolds, project leader for the Laysan Duck Reintroduction Program. ?If survival is high and their breeding successful, the Midway population will be a crucial insurance population for the species.? The endangered Laysan duck (Anas laysanesis) has the smallest geographical range of any duck species in the world and consists of a single population of approximately 444 individuals. Found only on the remote island of Laysan in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, this species is only one of two endemic ducks still found in Hawaii, the other being the Hawaiian duck or koloa (Anas wyvilliana). The species was believed to be endemic ? ?found nowhere else? ? to Laysan Island, but in 1995 fossil evidence revealed that the duck once inhabited the islands of Hawaii, Molokai, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, and Lisianski. The first humans known to live on Laysan came in the 1890s to mine guano. They killed approximately 300,000 seabirds in six months and eventually eliminated three endemic landbirds (Laysan Rail, Laysan Honeycreeper, and the Laysan Millerbird). Humans also introduced rabbits that devastated the vegetation, turning the island into a desert-like terrain. In addition, the Laysan duck was hunted for sport and for food and was very close to extinction. Its total population was recorded at 11 birds in 1911. Listed as endangered in 1966 because of its small population, limited distribution, and dependence upon a fragile ecosystem, the species faces high risk of extinction due to severe weather, disease, accidental introductions of nonnative plants and animals, and habitat degradation. The Fish and Wildlife Service developed a plan to recover the species in 1982 with a long term goal of establishing four or more populations in order to downlist the species from endangered to threatened. This landmark event seeks to create a second wild population of Laysan ducks and is a high priority for the recovery of the species. The duck's risk of extinction is very high as long as it is limited to a single population. The species? disappearance from the main Hawaiian Islands was most likely due to the introduction of mammalian predators such as mongooses, cats, and rats, and may be the most important limiting factor in the reintroduction of the duck to other sites. Midway Atoll NWR is located about 1,250 miles west-northwest of Honolulu. The five-mile diameter atoll was chosen as a re-introduction site because it lies within the presumed prehistoric range of the species, is free of predatory rats, and provides the logistical feasibility for restoring habitat and post-release monitoring for the species. Project scientists and researchers captured 27 birds on Laysan, and selected 20 of these birds to make the 2-day long boat ride to Midway. All personnel on the island worked through the night to capture the birds. The birds were selected based on weight, sex (relatively even male-female ratio), health, age, and genetic variability (a single duckling from each brood). The birds were then transported on the ?American Islander? a vessel contracted by the FWS for transport of the ducks and to change out research crews on Laysan. Each bird had its own transport cage, and the group as a whole had their own private cabin aboard the vessel. During this critical step of the translocation phase, the birds were fed, watered, and treated by USGS veterinarian Thierry Work, who was encouraged by the bird's body weights and condition during transport. Personnel at Midway Atoll NWR spent 18 months preparing the site for the arrival of the ducks. The first step in site preparation was the removal of nonnative ironwood trees and verbesina plants followed by the excavation of nine shallow freshwater seeps. In addition, 1,400 native bunch grass plants that are used by the ducks for nesting were planted at the site. Two separate aviaries were constructed using shade cloth and steel pipes. Each aviary has 10 compartments measuring 100 square feet for each compartment. Two ducks occupy each compartment. After an initial adjustment period, radio transmitters will be attached to each bird so that they can easily be tracked, and groups of two birds at a time will be released from the aviary. The birds will be closely monitored from observational blinds or spotting scopes so as not to be disturbed. ?This is an exciting conservation project for Midway made possible thanks to the invaluable collaboration with USGS, our Midway contractors Chugach McKinley, and many volunteers,? said John Klavitter, wildlife biologist for Midway Atoll NWR. Laysan ducks are between 15 and 17 inches in length, are brown with a bright green-blue to purple speculum (the distinctive feathers on the secondary wing feathers), and have a white area of feathers around their eyes. The male duck has darker brown face, and the head sometimes is iridescent green. Males have a blue-green bill with black spots along the upper mandible (bill). The female usually has more white around the head and neck, and has a dull brownish yellow bill. Both sexes have orange legs and feet. The ducks are primarily insect feeders, but may also feed on leaves and seeds.

No contact information available. Please contact Charles Traxler, 612-713-5313,

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