Sustainable By Design
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This tool calculates solar angle data based on date, time, and location. Please read the important instructions, notes, and FAQ pages before using this tool. Click on any input or output name for additional details.

longitude time
latitude time zone
date   time basis
year daylight savings
elevation zero azimuth
altitude angle declination
azimuth angle equation of time
clock time time of sunrise
solar time time of sunset
hour angle

Support SunAngle!

The development and maintenance of SunAngle is supported 100% by voluntary user donations. If you found this program helpful, please consider making a small donation...this can be done quickly and securely by credit card, or you can mail a check. Suggested donations are $25 for commercial use, and $10 for personal use. Please visit the Shareware page for details, or you can make a quick PayPal or credit card donation to the right. Thanks!

Commercial ($25)
Personal ($10)

Mailing List

The author maintains a private mailing list of users of SunAngle and his other shareware solar design tools, and is happy to send you very occasional notices about software upgrades and other items of interest. Such notices do not occur more frequently than a few times a year.

If you're interested in joining the SunAngle mailing list, please send e-mail to the author with this request. Your e-mail address will never be used for commercial purposes or given to anyone else for any reason.

Copyright 2005 Christopher Gronbeck