Yard and Garden

Featured Products
PM 1943

Deciduous Shrubs
More than 110 photos plus descriptions of 75 deciduous shrubs (organized by height) will simplify your hunt for the right shrub for your landscape. A comparison chart identifies those with the most o...
PM 0212

Landscape Plants for the Midwest
Creating a beautiful, functional landscape depends on putting the right plant in the right place. This collection of plant lists is organized by plant type and size. Each entry also gives the USDA Har...
PM 1914

Perennials for Sun
Hundreds of perennials prefer the bright light and accompanying heat that define sunny sites. This full color publication gives growing characteristics for more than 100 perennials that thrive in the...
PM 1913

Perennials for Shade
If you think hostas are your only choice for shady gardens, think again. This full color publication gives growing characteristics, plant descriptions, and other tips for more than 70 perennials for ...
PM 1942

This gardener's guide to annual flowers includes 106 plant descriptions plus 186 color photos. A comparison chart makes it easy to choose plants by height or flower color. Recommendations also are g...
SP 0328

Garden Produce in Floods
If flood waters have covered a garden, most produce will be unsafe to eat. Several factors determine the safety of unharvested fruits and vegetables....
PM 0713

Indoor Plants
Winner of a 2006 Garden Writers Association Silver Award of Achievement. Covers foliage and flowering house plants and succulents and florists' plants. Includes 180 color photos and 110 plant descrip...
PM 2004

Home Landscape -- Understanding the Basics of Landscape Design
Whether you want to do-it-yourself or are working with a professional, this award-winning* guide offers a step-by-step approach to understanding the design process. Color photos and diagrams show...
SUL 0001

Understanding the Effects of Flooding on Trees -- Sustainable Urban Landscapes
Flood-stressed trees show a variety of symptoms and also become candidates for insect and disease damage. Research has found some trees are more tolerant than others....
PM 1966

The Garden Guide to Midwest Annuals and Perennials
An easy-to-carry guide (5" x 8 1/2") for home gardeners and visitors to public gardens in the Midwest. Color photos and basic information about growing 300 annual and perennial flowers, Buck roses, o...

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