Community Economic Development

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PM 1781

Simplified Parliamentary Procedure
This publication explains a set of well proven parliamentary procedures and rules designed to move business along in a meeting while maintaining order and controlling the communications process. ...
PM 0993

Estate Planning
This publication is designed to acquaint you with the considerations, problems, and tools available in estate planning. It has been updated to include 2005 revisions to the tax law....
PM 2003

Roadside Design in Communities Planting Guidelines for Community Beautification
This publication explains basic landscape design principles in relation to community roadsides, promotes an awareness of the visual characteristics of plant material, and discusses safety requiremen...
PM 2030

Street Design in Community Contexts
The second in a series from Julia Badenhope, commissioned by the DOT, is created to introduce design principles for enhancing roadsides, streets, and communities to desiginers, government staff, polit...
PM 2029

Iowa's Living Roadways Community Visioning Program Process Manual
This manual outlines a planning process to help communities develop a relevant community enhancement plan. Included are sample agendas, worksheets, and meeting checklists....

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