The European College of Avian Medicine and Surgery (ECAMS) and the European Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarians (EAAV) will have their biannual joint meeting in association with SAVAB (Small Animal Veterinary Association of Belgim) Flanders in Antwerp (Belgium) in 2009.
We like to invite you all to the 10th EAAV Conference and 8th ECAMS Meeting on 17 – 21 march 2009 in Belgium.  This 10th  edition will be a special one with a very promising scientific and social program and … a lot of surprises ! You can find all necessary information on the website  
On line registration is open. There are reduced prices until the 31th of January 2009. But keep in mind that the practical labs are limited.
We have blocked more than 250 rooms in three different hotels for this event. There will be a coach transfer between these hotels, included in the special hotel prices. Please, don’t hesitate to book the hotel, because the organization can not hold all 250 rooms blocked until 31th of January.
Take a look to our sponsor list too. These sponsors help the organization of the EAAV-conference making it a great success. Keep them in mind if you place your next practice-order.
Hope to see you in Antwerp,
Henk Decock, Chairman organizing committee
    January 17-18 2009:

7th Annual Exotic Animal Symposium, hosted by the University of Missouri Zoo, Exotics, and Wildlife club. Covering topics from fish medicine to elephant reproduction, including wet labs and a side trip to a nature conservation station. Visit our website at <>  and for questions, please email us at

John A. Flanders, Jr.
VM2, Welshons Lab Tech