Advancing and Promoting Avian Medicine and Stewardship


Bird Care Brochures Available From the AAV

AAV Homepage


The following is a list of the AAV-produced brochures and a brief description of their contents.

These brochures are intended to enhance your practice and support AAV goals of education for clients.

Titles include:

FEEDING: This brochure discusses the differences between formulated diets and natural diets. The purpose of formulated foods, monitoring food intake, the importance of clean utensils is discussed as well as tips on getting the bird on a better diet.

BASIC CARE: This brochure discusses nutrition, environment, housing, perches, hygiene, security, activity, toys, and general care. Concise explanations bring bird owners up to speed and gets them interested in learning more.

SIGNS OF ILLNESS: This brochure addresses one of the most important topics for new bird owners - how to tell when their bird needs veterinary attention. Observation, "reading" droppings, early signs of disease, signs of serious illness, and emergency first aid are discussed. Heat, food, and veterinary treatment are also covered.

HEALTH EXAMINATION: Quarantine of a new bird, health examination, the possibilities of what can be found, and what "normal" means is discussed. The importance of a history, physical evaluation (including weight, droppings, lab testing, cytology, and possible virus screening). Annual checkups are also explained.

CHLAMYDIOSIS: The transmission of chlamydiosis is discussed followed by; clinical signs; how the diagnosis is made; and appropriate steps the owner must take to effect treatment and prevent reinfection. This brochure also discusses the possibility of infection in humans.

WHEN SHOULD I TAKE MY BIRD TO A VETERINARIAN: This brochure gives the bird owner an overview of what a veterinarian can tell the owner about his bird. We all know that prevention is the most important tool in bird-keeping; this explains what AAV is doing toward this goal as well as some of the things the veterinarian can do for pet or breeding birds.

ENRICHING YOUR BIRD'S LIFE: This is an important addition to our education series. Birds need mental stimulation as well as a clean cage and quality food. This brochure explains some of the things the owner can do to make life more interesting and varied for the pet or aviary bird.

GROOMING BIRDS: This brochure explains that grooming is not the same for birds as it is for dogs. Many birds die from improper handling during inept or untrained attempts at wing or toenail trimming. Stress is discussed, and why a veterinarian should monitor or perform all grooming procedures. The brochure explains what types of grooming are appropriate, and why

BAND, TATTOO, OR MICROCHIP: This brochure explains how owners have attempted to mark birds for identification; tattoos, leg-bands, etc., and discusses the recent development of microchipping for birds and it's advantages.

FEATHER LOSS: This brochure discusses the various reasons birds lose their feathers. Feather loss can be natural (molt), behavioral, or pathologic. How to tell and what to do is explained.

INJURY PREVENTION & EMERGENCY CARE: Birds are confronted with numerous hazards when confined inside a home with other pets, people, toxins, etc. Learn to anticipate problems and how to keep your bird alive until you get it to a veterinarian, should a mishap occur.

BEHAVIOR— NORMAL AND ABNORMAL: Some behavior is normal, even though the novice bird-owner may not understand it at first. Some behavior indicates illness, some is typical of breeding display. Learn some of the differences between normal and abnormal behavior.

SMOKING- BAD FOR YOU, WORSE FOR YOUR BIRD— Smoking harms birds by more than just second-had smoke. Birds process air (and smoke) both inhaling and exhaling, plus, nicotine on the owners hands is transferred to the bird’s feathers during handling.

Persons wishing to order brochures will find a printable order form on this site, under the heading Order Brochures. Print the form and fax your order to: (817-599-0088). Please include MasterCard or VISA number, exp date, security code, and BILLING address for the card as well as a mailing address for your brochures.

Orders (with checks) may be sent to the AAV Publications Office, PO Box 2584, Weatherford, TX, 76086.

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