Attention Veterinary Student Advisors...
Please contact the AAV as soon as possible so that we can include your school in the 2008-2009 AAV scholarship program.
It is our pleasure to announce that the Association of Avian Veterinarians is offering scholarships for senior veterinary students serving an off-campus rotation/preceptorship in avian medicine. The AAV will award $100.00 per week, for a maximum of 4 weeks, to one student from each qualifying school of veterinary medicine.
If your school has a formal program in which students serve off-campus for avian hands-on experience, please submit your letter of intent to participate in our exciting program for 2008-2009 prior to February 1, 2009. (See full guidelines on this page.)
As noted, upon completion of the rotation/preceptorship, the recipient is required to submit a case report suitable for publication in an AAV publication and the student's advisor is required to submit a letter stating that the scholarship recipient has completed their commitment.
The school decides which student is to be the recipient. The scholarship should be awarded on a combination of need, interest, and merit. Scholarships may not be shared between two students.
Effective School Year 2008 -2009
Each school year, each qualifying institution may select ONE senior student to receive the AAV Rotation Scholarship award. Scholarships may not be shared.
I. Each year, prior to February 1st, the institution must notify the AAV Central Office of:
   A. Their intent to participate.
   B. Name of contact person for that year.
II. Prior to the rotation, the AAV Central Office must be notified  by your institution of the following:
   A. Number of weeks in the rotation (maximum four)
   B. Name of the student (one only) participating in the program
   C. Name/Location of the rotation
   D. Whether or not a grade is to be given
III. Qualifications for Avian Rotation Scholarship
     The following must be adhered to for a student to qualify for payment of the AAV scholarship.
   A. Minimum caseload 20 per week
   B. Location must meet one of the following descriptions:
      1. Exclusively avian and exotic practice
      2. Private practice specializing in avian and exotic medicine
      3. Commercial export/import breeding facility that has a full
        time staff veterinarian and hospital facility
      4. Teaching hospital or institution with a formal avian and
 exotic program
IV. Upon completion of the rotation, for payment of the scholarship:
   A. The school must write a letter of confirmation that the student fulfilled his/her obligation and (if applicable) the mark received.
    B. The student must submit a case report, in English, suitable for publication.  Scholarships may not be shared between two students.