Student and Resident Manuscript Competitions for 2009

The Association of Avian Veterinarians is pleased to announce the annual Student and Resident Manuscript Competitions for the year 2009

The protocol and awards for each category are identical.

Manuscripts may consist of a case report (new or unusual disease, or new diagnostic or therapeutic modality), retrospective or prospective clinical study, or review article involving any avian species except commercial poultry. Authors must follow guidelines for submission as outlined in the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery.

Criteria for selection of the manuscript for each AAV award shall be based on clinical relevance, scientific validity, contribution to avian medicine, utilization of a multi-discipline approach to problem-solving, and adherence to guideline requirements.

The student and resident submitting the selected manuscripts will be expected to present their papers at the 2009 AAV Conference and Expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 8-16, 2009, for which they will each receive complimentary main conference registration, a plaque commemorating the occasion and a check for $500.00 to help defray travel expenses.

Manuscript and photos must be received by May 8, 2009.  Email to Adina at


If chosen to present at the conference, the authors will be requested to submit abstracts for publication in the Proceedings. The full paper will not be published so that the author may submit their original complete work in the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery.