Member Categories



1. Active: A graduate of a school of veterinary medicine accredited in the country of issue. Retired Active members, maintaining membership for ten consecutive 
years immediately preceding their retirement pay the prevailing technicians rate. Applicants in need, from *Emerging Nations (listed below), may apply for an
AAV Scholarship of $50 to assist with their dues.

2. Graduate Students and Residents: Same as Active above. Full time graduate students and residents pay the prevailing technician's rate. Must submit letter 
from advisor stating they are full time resident or graduate student in a recognized program accredited in the country in which their degree was issued.

3. Associate: Educators, researchers and recognized allied veterinary professionals approved by the current AAV Governing Board.

4. Allied Professional**: Any individual not qualified for veterinary related categories noted herein.

5. Student: Enrolled in a professional veterinary curriculum. Copy of current student ID must accompany application. Graduate students, residents, & interns are
Active members. 

6. Student Chapter: Groups of 5 or more veterinary students enrolled in the same school/college of veterinary medicine. Application must include the name of
chapter advisor. No dues.

7. Technician: Veterinary technicians only. Technician membership application must be accompanied by a copy of license, diploma, or letter from one

current Active member confirming technician status.

*EMERGING NATIONS: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea,
Republic of China (Taiwan), Thailand, Turkey. (Source—United Nations)

**ALLIED PROFESSIONAL: Membership shall be available to any individual who is not otherwise eligible for Active, Associate, Technician, or Student membership, has an interest in any allied health profession relating to avian medicine, physiology,
nutrition, conservation, or other.