Association of Avian Veterinarians Research Grants Available

Preproposals for research projects addressing clinical aspects of exotic and wild birds, including diagnostic tests, drug doses, practice management, and conservation, are now being accepted for consideration for funding by the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Grants are limited to $10,000.00 for an individual project.

Investigators should be advised that indirect costs such as travel, publication costs, salaries, and overhead shall not be funded by the Association of Avian Veterinarians.

Completed preproposals (one page form only) must be received by January 9, 2009. Final proposals, upon invitation only, must be received by May 8, 2009. Grants will be announced at the AAV 29th Annual Conference and Expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA in August, 2009.

             Association of Avian Veterinarians Research Grant -

                                 Preproposal Guidelines 2008-2009

         Must be received by January 9, 2009. Grants are limited to $10,000 for an individual project. Return application(s) to:

                      Adina Rae Freedman, Executive Director   

       Applications must be emailed to aavctrlofc@aol.com as a WORD attachment.  


Your preproposal must be contained on one 8.5" x 11" page, minimum font size of 10 points. Preproposals exceeding one page or using smaller font will not be accepted for consideration. This is to ensure that all applicants have equal opportunity to present their preproposal.

The following information must appear on the preproposal page:

Research Title

Principal Investigator (including address, phone number, and email address)

Names of Co-Investigators

Duration of Project

Estimated Budget*:

Statement of Research Objectives

Summary of Experimental Methods and Design

*Indirect costs such as travel, publication costs, salaries, and overhead shall not be funded by the AAV