
 Legal Matters

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Pending Law Alerts Local Shelters, Reporting Abuse
State Laws & Regulations Trust & Wills
Import/Export Regulations, Treaties

 * Pending Laws Alerts
Animal Welfare Act New Bird Regulations - 2004 - Protect the Birds and the Bird Industry!!! - The USDA is asking for your input NOW. Stop the anti-bird people. Your help is needed. Send in your opinions to the USDA by November 1, 2004
Proposed changes to Permit Process (OMA) - Presented by Avian Acres
Voice Your Opinion - Look at current federal and state proposed laws and instantly write officials about state and federal animal issues. Easy to use.

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 * Import/Export Regulations, Treaties
The Aviary - Legislation, laws and conservation affecting birds
Bird Laws - WBCA - US CODE TITLE 16 Chapter 69: Wild Exotic Bird Conservation
CITES 2004 Meeting - The Lessor Sulphur Crested Cockatoo from Indonesia & Lilac Crowned Amazon upgraded to Appendix I, Peachfaced Lovebird removed.
EE-Link - Old Site - All about endangered species. Lists facts, laws, treaties and more. U of Michigan
EE-Link - All about endangered species. Lists facts, laws, treaties and more. U of Michigan
Federal (US) wildlife laws - Summaries and facts about these laws
Importing a Pet Bird - USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service. Laws and regulations for importing into the US
Importing and Exporting in Canada - Cites Overview and how Canadian export and import permits can be obtained.
Laws affecting Owners&Breeders - Presented by Avian Acres
Migratory Bird Treaty Act - Short summary of purpose, exceptions and penalties
Traveling Abroad with Your Pet Bird - US Fish and Wildlife Service - What you have to do to take and then return with your pet bird.
USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS) - APHIS website contains information on organization, news, laws, importing/exporting etc.
USDA APHIS Importing - APHIS International Animal Export Regulations.
USDA APHIS Interstate - APHIS US State Import (interstate) Regulations.

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 * State Regulations
Animal Legal Defense Fund - Pushing the U.S. legal system to end the suffering of abused animals. Info on cruelty and what to do.
Anti-Cruelty Statutes - The Statutes for each state, compiled at the Rutgers Animal Rights Law Center
Bird Clubs of New Jersey Regs Update - Efforts of the Bird Clubs of NJ concerning the NJ Regs at the RealMacaw
California Penal Code - Animal Welfare Provisions ยง597. Cruelty to animals section. Also animal regulation agencies in Sonoma, Marin, Mendocino and Napa counties.
How To Locate a Wildlife Rehabilitator - Links to wildlife rehabilitators/centers by state and country.
Information on Anti-Cruelty - Links to a number of places for information. Compiled by state.
Information on Anti-Cruelty - Links to a number of places for information. Compiled by state.
State Fish And Wildlife Contacts - Listing of contact information for the Fish and Wildlife Departments of each state
State Regulations Re Quaker Parrots - Summary of various state regulations regarding Quaker Parrot ownership at the Quaker Information Center
State Wildlife Laws Handbook - Overview of wildlife laws by state. Extracts from the handbook.
Wildlife Agencies - US & State - Links to US & state government wildlife agencies.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Information Directory - Source for information on wildlife rehabilitation. What to do, Who to Contact. By state & country.
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 * Local Shelters & Contacts
ASPCA's National Shelter Directory - To report abuse or find help or a shelter. Lists local shelters throughout the US by name, state, city, or zip.
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 * Trusts & Wills
Plan For My Future - What will become of your bird if something happens to you.
Providing For Your Pet in the Event of Your Death or Hospitalization - An instructional pamphlet published by The Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Addresses wills, providing funds, choosing a caregiver, etc.
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