Mingo National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region




Refuge Brochure

Bird Checklist

Public Use

Wildlife Observation
Environmental Education

Fish and Wildlife Management

Prescribed Burning
Water Level Management
Moist Soil Management
Forest Management
Farming and Haying

Wilderness Area

Entrance Fee Program

Pilot Knob NWR

Ozark Cavefish NWR

Volunteer Opportunities

Swamp Friends

Current News


Small Wetlands Program

Duck Stamp photo

2008 Federal Duck Stamp Contest

Site Map

Contact Us

Phone: 573-222-3589
24279 State Highway 51
Puxico, MO 63960

The Refuge Visitor Center offers a theater and outdoor trails and facilities to provide quality environmental education and interpretive programming for school groups and the general public.

Interpretation on the Refuge focuses primarily on self-guided exhibits, interpretive panels, and brochures. Several interpretative sites are available throughout the Refuge. Some of the most popular sites are the Boardwalk Nature Trail, Monopoly Overlook, Red mill Overlook, Flat Banks Area, and Highway 51 Overlook.

The Refuge hosts special events focusing on environmental topics and Refuge specific activities. On-site special events include: Ecology Days, Teacher Educational Workshops, Migratory Bird Day, National Public lands Day, Kid's Free Fishing Day, Eagle Days, National Wildlife Refuge Week. Ecology Days attract 4 th and 5 th grade students from Stoddard and Butler Counties to reinforce what students learn about Missouri 's natural resources in the classroom. The objective of the program is to prepare students for the Missouri Mastery Achievement Test.

Park Rangers specialize in a variety of topics and activities, such as native wildlife, endangered species, wetlands, Leave-No-Trace Wilderness Training, history of Mingo NWR, SEMO District and Missouri State sponsored fairs, Career Days, and special programs on request. Classroom educational “trunks” are available for loan for educational purposes.

The Visitor Center contains wildlife exhibits, geological and archaeological displays, audio-visual programs, and a sales outlet. Interpretative and environmental education programs presented by Refuge personnel are available for a diverse population including persons with disabilities and all age levels and groups. Groups larger than ten individuals are asked to contact the Visitor Center prior to your visit. To eliminate scheduling conflicts, groups planning to visit the Refuge should notify the Visitor Center at (573) 222-3589 three to four weeks in advance. The Visitor Center is closed all Federal holidays.

The Visitor Center Hours:

Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (year-round)
Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (April 1 st – June 30 th and Sept. 1 st – Nov. 30 th )
Sunday 12 noon to 4 p.m. (April 1 st – June 30 th and Sept. 1 st – Nov. 30 th )


All recreational activities are secondary to the primary purpose in which the Refuge was established, and must be compatible. Uses identified in the Refuge Improvement Act (hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography, interpretation, and environmental education) receive special recognition by the Service and are accommodated when compatible with the original purpose of the Refuge as a resting and wintering area for migratory waterfowl and other migratory birds.


Last updated: July 16, 2008