

Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt founded Hunt Botanical Library with the intention that it would conduct its own program of research while ensuring that its collections would be available to others. Hunt Institute remains committed to making its reference services and research collections available and accessible to the scientific and scholarly communities, publishers, businesses, and the interested public.

[Bouquet of mixed flowers], watercolor on vellum by Pierre-Joseph Redoute, 1839. HI Art accession no. 2202. John Parkinson's Theatrum botanicum: The theater of plants (London, Thomas Cotes, 1640). HI Library call no. CA P247t. Archibald Menzies (1754–1842). HI Archives portrait no. 2.

This page provides an overview of Institute services. Additional information about department-specific services is available in the services section of the departments' web pages. Queries about any of these services may be made to the relevant department(s) or to the Administration Office by mail, email, telephone, or fax, as well as in person. This page covers the following:


The Archives department provides reference services and makes its research collections accessible to others. The collection is available for on-site use, by prior appointment and subject to restrictions placed upon materials by donors or by the Institute.


The Art department provides reference services and makes its research collections accessible to others. The collection is available for on-site use, by prior appointment and subject to restrictions placed upon materials by donors or by the Institute. We do not provide appraisals of artwork and recommend your consulting an art appraiser or art gallery.


The Bibliography department makes its reference services accessible to others. The bibliographer provides bibliographical reference and research assistance to all serious inquirers and publishes bibliographical aids and reference works.


The Library provides reference services and makes its research collections accessible to others. The library is open Monday through Friday for on-site use; readers' hours are 1:00 to 5:00, or contact the librarians for morning appointments.

Departmental Services

Research Assistance

Staff members in each of the departments assist patrons in researching specific questions or topics. In addition to providing general assistance to researchers, staff may also be engaged to provide more extensive research assistance. An hourly fee is charged for services negotiated beyond a standard level of service; see the Service Charges page for more information.

Photo Research

Staff also perform photo research and coordinate requests for photographic reproductions of book illustrations, artworks and portraits. The Institute's photographer works closely with staff from the Library, Archives and Art Department to provide this service. Prints, negatives and slides and transparencies may be ordered. The Service Charges page has detailed information about these photographic services, including options, schedules and prices.

Photocopying Services

The Institute also provides photocopying services. Some limitations apply, based on constraints such as the condition of the materials from which copies are requested to be made, as well as copyright restrictions when applicable. Fees are listed on the Service Charges page.

Please note that some photographic and photocopying requests may be subject to research service fees and publication fees. Interlibrary loan requests for photocopies or loans are subject to interlibrary loan fees. Any relevant fees are discussed in advance of provision of services.

Access to Collections

Most of the departmental collections are available for supervised on-site use, subject to restrictions placed upon materials by donors or by the Institute. In order to prepare for your visit and ensure that materials of interest are accessible, the Institute requests that you contact department staff to make prior appointments. For general library use, readers' hours are 1:00 to 5:00, or you may contact the librarians for morning appointments. See the department pages or Staff page for contact information.

Interlibrary Loans

Although the Library collections do not circulate in the usual sense, limited interlibrary loan is available for some recent publications, subject to restrictions. These loans are made library-to-library, for in-library use only. Interlibrary loan photocopying is also provided. Restrictions are based on constraints such as the age, condition, value and replaceability of the materials, as well as copyright restrictions or other restrictions as outlined in the interlibrary loan policy. Interlibrary loan requests for photocopies or loans are subject to interlibrary loan fees.

Repositories for Botanists' Papers

The archivist acts in an advisory capacity to assist in finding appropriate repositories for botanists' papers in order to ensure that they are placed where they will be most serviceable to researchers, and the Institute can serve as a repository of alternate resort when one more suitable is not available.

Tours, Collection Talks and Other Presentations

The librarians provide tours of the Library as well as presentations on a variety of topics relating to the collections. Similarly, tours of the Archives or Art Department can be arranged, as can gallery talks and other collection-based presentations as well as tours of the Reading Room. Appointments can be arranged through the departments or the Administration Office.

Art Exhibitions at the Institute

Descriptions of current and upcoming exhibitions, to be displayed in the Institute gallery, are available.

Travel Exhibitions

The Institute shares its resources by offering travel exhibitions to museums, schools, botanic gardens, arboreta, gardens clubs and other organizations the opportunity to borrow and display ready-to-hang Institute exhibits of botanical art and illustration. For travel exhibitions currently on display, see News and Events.

Queries about any of these services may be made by mail, email, telephone, or fax, as well as in person. Additional information about department-specific services is available in the services section of the Departmental pages.

URL for this page: /HIBD/Services/Services.shtml

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