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Another popular way to make a gift is to include Purdue as a beneficiary of a revocable, living trust.

Taxation: The beneficiary is taxed on income received.


  • Principal available to donor upon demand.
  • Estate tax deduction.

If you wish to include an unrestricted distribution to Purdue in your trust, the following language is suggested:

Unrestricted Distribution to Purdue

"All trust property not previously distributed under the terms of my trust shall be divided and distributed, free of the trust, as follows:   The Purdue Foundation, Inc., West Lafayette, Indiana, ________ percent to be used for the benefit of Purdue University in such manner as the President thereof may direct."

If you wish to provide scholarships for undergraduates in a particular school, here is suggested language for three options:

Scholarships Based on Financial Need

"All trust property not previously distributed under the terms of my trust shall be divided and distributed, free of the trust, as follows:   The Purdue Foundation, Inc., West Lafayette, Indiana, ________ percent to be used for the benefit of Purdue University to support undergraduate scholarships as described below.   If the principal amount received hereunder is sufficient under University guidelines to establish an endowed scholarship, then The Purdue Foundation, Inc. shall transfer the principal amount, which shall constitute a fund to be known as the ( insert name here ) Scholarship, to Purdue University which shall use the principal to establish an endowment fund, with the revenue therefrom used for the establishment, support and maintenance of one or more annual scholarships, based on financial need, for undergraduates in the College of _______________.   The University's Division of Financial Aid will select the recipients and administer the scholarships.   In the event this purpose can no longer be carried out due to changing conditions or that such purpose is being met from other sources or is no longer necessary or desirable for the furtherance of the charitable and educational purposes of Purdue University at the time of the maturity of my trust or at any time thereafter, then I expressly authorize and empower the President of Purdue University to utilize this distribution for any purpose that may be deemed proper in his/her discretion, keeping in mind, however, my above-described purpose.   The endowment fund for the purpose of investment may be combined with other funds of Purdue University."

Scholarships Based on Academic Merit

"All trust property not previously distributed under the terms of my trust shall be divided and distributed, free of the trust, as follows:   The Purdue Foundation, Inc., West Lafayette, Indiana, ________ percent to be used for the benefit of Purdue University to support undergraduate scholarships as described below.   If the principal amount received hereunder is sufficient under University guidelines to establish an endowed scholarship, then The Purdue Foundation, Inc. shall transfer the principal amount, which shall constitute a fund to be known as the ( insert name here ) Scholarship, to Purdue University which shall use the principal to establish an endowment fund, with the revenue therefrom used for the establishment, support and maintenance of one or more annual scholarships, based on academic merit, for undergraduates in the College of _____________.   The College shall select the recipients with scholarship administration by the University's Division of Financial Aid.   In the event this purpose can no longer be carried out due to changing conditions or that such purpose is being met from other sources or is no longer necessary or desirable for the furtherance of the charitable and educational purposes of Purdue University at the time of the maturity of my trust or at any time thereafter, then I expressly authorize and empower the President of Purdue University to utilize this distribution for any purpose that may be deemed proper in his/her discretion, keeping in mind, however, my above-described purpose.   The endowment fund for the purpose of investment may be combined with other funds of Purdue University."

Scholarships with Neither Financial Need nor Academic Merit Specified

"All trust property not previously distributed under the terms of my trust shall be divided and distributed, free of the trust, as follows:   The Purdue Foundation, Inc., West Lafayette, Indiana, ________ percent to be used for the benefit of Purdue University to support undergraduate scholarships as described below.   If the principal amount received hereunder is sufficient under University guidelines to establish an endowed scholarship, then The Purdue Foundation, Inc. shall transfer the principal amount, which shall constitute a fund to be known as the ( insert name here ) Scholarship, to Purdue University which shall use the principal to establish an endowment fund, with the revenue therefrom used for the establishment, support and maintenance of one or more annual scholarships for undergraduates in the College of __________.   The scholarships will be administered in accordance with University policies.   In the event this purpose can no longer be carried out due to changing conditions or that such purpose is being met from other sources or is no longer necessary or desirable for the furtherance of the charitable and educational purposes of Purdue University at the time of the maturity of my trust or at any time thereafter, then I expressly authorize and empower the President of Purdue University to utilize this distribution for any purpose that may be deemed proper in his/her discretion, keeping in mind, however, my above-described purpose.   The endowment fund for the purpose of investment may be combined with other funds of Purdue University."

If you wish to restrict your distribution to a specific school or purpose, the Planned Giving Office will be happy to provide you or your advisors with suggested language.


  • Distribution of estate as intended by donor.
  • Avoidance of estate and inheritance taxes.
For more information, please call the Planned Giving Office at (800) 677-3780
or e-mail plangift@purdue.edu .


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University Development · Dick and Sandy Dauch Alumni Center · 403 West Wood Street · West Lafayette, IN 47907-2007
(765) 494-2727 · (800) 677-8780 (toll free) · gifts@purdue.edu
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