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Naming Purdue as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan is becoming an increasingly popular way to give. Because of the way qualified plans are taxed, at your death relatively few of the assets in the plan may end up in the hands of family members or beneficiaries. These assets are included in your gross estate for federal estate tax purposes, and arealso taxed when received by the beneficiaries as income in respect of the decedent.

Funding a charitable gift to Purdue with these assets generates an estate tax charitable deduction and Purdue will not have to pay income tax on the assets when they are received. Using retirement plan assets as a gift to Purdue and other assets for family members can be beneficial to all.

For more information, please call the Planned Giving Office at (800) 677-8780 or e-mail plangift@purdue.edu.


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University Development · Dick and Sandy Dauch Alumni Center · 403 West Wood Street · West Lafayette, IN 47907-2007
(765) 494-2727 · (800) 677-8780 (toll free) · gifts@purdue.edu
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