Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region

Waterfowl Counts

Canada Geese

Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge plays an important role in the management of ring-necked ducks.  About one quarter of the continental harvest of this duck occurs in Minnesota, and Rice Lake supports one of the largest concentrations in the state. 

Averages of 70,000 ring-necked ducks or more can be found on Rice Lake during the fall migration. While fall migration is the most spectacular, spring migration is also worth the trip to see. The Refuge's principal nesting species of ducks are mallard, blue-winged teal, American wigeon, and wood duck. 

Click on any chart below to view that waterfowl survey information.

Various types of waterfowl


2005 survey results


2003 survey results


2003 survey results


2002 survey results


2003 survey results

Last updated: July 17, 2008