Crops > Crops - Corn and Sorghum

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PM 0660 GLS
2000 Crop Performance Test - Corn Gray Leaf Spot Ratings for Districts 5, 6, and 7
The data in this publication provide a comparison of gray spot severity on hybrids tested. They provide a direct, objective comparison of these hybrids under natural disease levels occurring at the t ...

Price: $1.50
Availability: In Stock
PM 0660
2008 Iowa Crop Performance Test -- Corn
The Iowa Crop Performance Test for corn is conducted each year to help farmers select the best hybrids for their production conditions. All 7 Corn Districts are now conveniently combined into one pu ...

Price: $0.00
Availability: Quantities are limited, Order Now
PM 1800
Aflatoxins in Corn
Aflatoxins are a group of chemicals produced by certain mold fungi. Publication includes information on how to test corn for toxins, current regulations, consequences of high toxin levels, preventive ...

Price: $1.50
Availability: Out of stock
NCH 0001
Assessing Hail Damage to Corn
This publication examines how hail damages the corn plant, how the degree of damage can be determined, and how the extent of yield loss is estimated. ...

PM 2015
Concepts and Rationale for Regional Nitrogen Rate Guidelines for Corn
This publication focuses on rates of nitrogen application in rain-fed conditions, and corn-soybean and corn-corn rotations. The information is designed primarily for agronomists and crop consultants, ...

Price: $4.50
Availability: In Stock
PM 0596
Corn Diseases
This booklet will help corn producers and other professionals in the agriculture industry identify corn diseases and provide general recommendations for disease management. ...

Price: $3.00
Availability: In Stock
PM 1698
Corn Ear Rots, Storage Molds, Mycotoxins, and Animal Health
Learn how to identify corn ear rots, storage molds, and mycotoxins and how they affect animal health. Includes a checklist to help prevent molds and toxins and what to do with damaged grain. ...

Price: $3.00
Availability: In Stock
NCH 0037
Corn Hybrid Maturity Management for the Central and Northern Corn Belt
Learn how corn maturity management can maximize grain production and quality of corn for the central and northern Corn Belt. ...

PM 1885
Corn Planting Guide
This publication will help you optimize yields by understanding planting date, depth, population, row spacing, and replant decisions. ...

Price: $2.00
Availability: In Stock
NCH 0049
Corn Silage Harvest Techniques
Details on efficiently harvesting and storing corn for quality silage. ...

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