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You are here: Home / Organic Production / USDA Programs 
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Organic Production

United States flag flying outside of the United States Department of Agriculture building.  [Source:  IStock International, Inc.]
Organic crop and livestock production, marketing and trade are now addressed by several USDA agencies. Programs include National organic certification, economic data collection and reporting, trade assistance, research grants and information services.
AFSIC Highlights
Organic Farming and Marketing: Publications from the United States Department of Agriculture, 1977-2006
USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.
A bibliography of selected resources about organic production, food and marketing published by USDA primary agencies. Includes Web links, when available, to full-text publications.
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Information from Other Sources
National Organic Program
USDA. Agricultural Marketing Service.
Provides access to program standards, information on trade issues, materials on certification including a listing of USDA accredited certifying agents, resources for producers, handlers, processors and retailers and consumer information regarding organic production.
Organic Agriculture Briefing Room
USDA. Economic Research Service.
Offers an indepth discussion on Economic Research Service (ERS) research and the economic issues related to organics. Provides recent ERS research developments, readings and data, questions and answers and related ERS services or products on this issue.
Organic Research Action Plan 2005
USDA. Agricultural Research Service.
Agricultural Systems: Organic Agriculture
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, Extension Service.
The "Selected Results and Impacts" section includes links to CSREES Integrated Organic Program research grants.
Organic Products
USDA. Foreign Agriculture Service.
Read the Organic Perspectives Newsletter, Buyer Alerts, reports, press releases and recent news. Learn about upcoming events, organic regulations and marketing outlets or contacts. Locate subject experts, U.S. government programs and research or trade organizations.
CSREES Organic Opportunities White Paper: Leadership Needs and Strategic Action Plan To Meet The Growing Demand In Organic Agriculture  (PDF|65 KB)
USDA. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market
USDA. Economic Research Service.
"Research, regulatory, and other ongoing programs on organic agriculture in the U.S. Department of Agriculture." are outlined in Appendix: USDA Research, Program, and Regulatory Activities on Organic Agriculture (PDF | 50 KB)

Last Modified: May 27, 2008  
Organic Production
    Organic Culture: Crops and Gardening
    Organic Livestock
    Standards and Certification
    USDA Programs
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