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You are here: Home / Soil and Water Management / Soil Amendments and Nutrient Management 
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Soil and Water Management

If you want to add or manage the nutrients in your soil look here to find information about inputs that improve the soil while minimizing environmental contamination.
Soils and Compost
National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
Publications and other resources on how to assess, improve and maintain soil health for both croplands and pastures including Alternative Soil Amendments.
National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center
Environmental Protection Agency.
Offers information about environmental requirements that affect the agricultural community. Key topics include water, sustainability, pesticides and health and safety.
Agricultural Environmental Management
USDA. NAL. Water Quality Information Center.
A collection of bibliographies, links to online documents and external links to information about environmental aspects of water resources and agriculture including Manure Management, Pest Management and Precision Agriculture.
AgSTAR Program
Environmental Protection Agency.
Encourages the use of methane recovery/biogas technologies at confined animal feeding operations that manage manure as liquids or slurries. This site includes basic technology overview, program accomplishments, experts, publications and technical tools, workshops and conferences and a guide to currently operating systems.
Manure Management and Air Quality
University of Minnesota.
Technical and research information on all aspects of manure management, regulatory resources, technical assistance for Minnesota residents, a workshop and training calendar and links to other manure management Web sites.

Last Modified: Jun 20, 2008  
Soil and Water Management
    Soil Quality and Testing
    Soil Amendments and Nutrient Management
    Cover Crops, Green Manures and Mulches
    Compost and Composting
    Conservation Tillage Practices and Erosion Control
    Whole Farm Systems
    Water Conservation
    Water-saving Irrigation Techniques
See Also
    Water Quality Information Center
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