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Youth Development

kids standing on hill

The Center for Youth Development bridges research and practice and serves as a resource, catalyst, and advocate for quality community opportunities for young people to learn, lead, and contribute. We provide non-formal learning opportunities.

Youth Development Programs  
  • Applied Research & Evaluation
    Sharing out-of-school time research with policy makers, stakeholders, program leaders, decision makers and researchers
  • Minnesota 4-H Youth Development
    Providing opportunities for kids to demonstrate leadership that benefits their communities and reflects the principles of democracy
  • Youth Work Institute
    Supporting the education, training, and professional development of adults who work with and on behalf of young people

Two girls

Youth Engagement

Increase participation in youth opportunities, so they find a spark and are truly passionate about something that gives meaning to their lives.


Contact Information

Center for 4-H Youth Development Staff Directory


The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.