Weight change in birds is an early sign of illness. Weighing your bird can save his life.
weigh, scales, illness, sickness, weighing, pet parrots pet birds parrots pets magazines ezines
weigh, scales, illness, sickness, weighing, pet parrots pet birds parrots pets magazines ezines

Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine, Pet Bird Ezine
Pet Bird
Magazine, Ezine

June 1997 Magazine

.  * Topic I - Weigh Your Bird Regularly!!

Copyright © 1997 Jan Hickey and Winged Wisdom. All rights reserved.
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Weigh Your Bird Regularly!!
Once Bitten......Twice Shy
Cage Liners: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Introduction to Quaker Parakeets
The Fab Four Fables - Parts VII & VIII
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Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine

A pet bird ezine, pet bird e-zine, for pet parrots & exotic birds.
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Cockatoo parrot picture courtesy of Glasgow Enterprises

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Page design: Carol Highfill ---- Last update: November 11, 1997

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Weigh Your Bird Regularly!! Weight change in birds is an early sign of illness. Weighing your bird can save his life. Winged Wisdom is devoted to pet parrots and exotic birds, presenting articles related to keeping and breeding pet exotic birds