The Macaw Aviary at The Oasis Sanctuary

An Open Letter to President-elect Obama

President-elect Barak Obama: Add Animal Welfare to Volunteer program for Tuition
To enable Accredited Sanctuaries and/or municipal and nationally recognized animal shelters be included in the organizations America's Youth can Volunteer at in order to receive Tuition Credits for College.
To enable Accredited Sanctuaries and/or municipal and nationally recognized animal shelters be included in the organizations America's Youth can Volunteer at in order to receive Tuition Credits for College.

An Open Letter to the President-elect, Barack Obama....

Recently, in the midst of considering major cabinet appointments and reviewing the incredibly difficult tasks ahead of you, you gave thought to and announced that the puppy your daughters would be bringing into the White House would be a "mutt" who would be coming from a Shelter. 

I am not sure that you are aware of how many lives you and your family have saved by making public that simple statement. All of us in Animal Welfare, in Animal Rescue applaud you. 

Note: I just learned that one of your daughters is allergic to loose dog hair. There are many "Breed Specific" dog rescues saving thousands of lives each year. A dog like a poodle or a "labradoodle" should work with your family. Please visit to find a dog rescue in the DC area.

One of the most important campaign promises you have made is that America's youth will be able to receive college tuition credit by Volunteering within our communities.

We the undersigned would like to suggest that included in the many deserving and needy charitable institutions that college-bound youngsters may volunteer at, that you include Animal Welfare organizations. We suggest that young people be able to work at municipal animal Shelters, Humane Societies and Accredited Animal Sanctuaries. 

There are an estimated 6 to 7 million cats and dogs who lose their lives in Shelters annually for no other reason than homelessness. This does not include the birds and other exotics which end up in sanctuaries and adoption programs throughout the US.

Many more could be saved were the help, the man-power, available.

In addition to teaching our youth about hard work - animal welfare boils down to cleaning and feeding and cleaning and socializing and cleaning again - young people who spend time with animals and come to recognize them as individuals, will be less likely to "dispose" of them later in their lives. Their experiences with cats and dogs in well as endangered species such as parrots, from other lands and the indigenous animals being made ready for release...will teach them about conservation and the value of wildlife and the "human-animal bond."

We ask that you add us, those of us who represent the lives of millions of forgotten, abandoned, injured or neglected animals, be they "pets" or wild, across this nation.

We...they....can use the help and in turn will provide education which will be of great benefit across this great land.

With best wishes for your success as our 44th President and with prayers for the healing of our nation's wounds.

We thank you for your time and consideration and for the efforts you are making to help our great country.

For the Animals....

goal: 1,000
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We signed the "An Open Letter to President-elect Obama" petition!
# 565:
9:09 pm PST, Jan 13, Name not displayed, Alaska
# 564:
10:26 am PST, Jan 13, Ursula Cox, United Kingdom
Barack please show you love animals
# 563:
11:07 am PST, Jan 12, Jo Romine, Alaska
The functioning (or dysfunctioning) of societies is judged on many levels. How we take care of our children, elderly and animals demonstrates the civility and humaneness of a society. It is important by governments to recognize volunteers working in all of these three fields; after all, the overall attitude about social issues is determined at the highest levels. Please include volunteering at recognized animal sanctuaries/shelters in the tuition for credits for college program.
# 562:
10:41 am PST, Jan 12, Jim Martin-Nichols, United Kingdom
# 561:
10:41 am PST, Jan 12, Julie Martin-Nichols, United Kingdom
# 560:
7:57 am PST, Jan 12, Melinda Chesnut, Arizona
# 559:
3:35 pm PST, Jan 11, Linda Bescript, Arizona
This just makes good sense, and will be good for all involved.
# 558:
2:18 pm PST, Jan 11, Name not displayed, Virginia
# 557:
1:58 pm PST, Jan 11, Erin Lee, Florida
We can't survive if they don't.
# 556:
12:48 pm PST, Jan 10, Michelle Czosnek, Wisconsin
Mu husband and I care for 5 rescued parrots and I know how much help our local bird rescue and animal shelters need. Young people want to learn and help and should be given credit for their work.
# 555:
4:55 am PST, Jan 10, Arlena Morton, Indiana
# 554:
1:02 pm PST, Jan 9, Judith Kettenbeil, Illinois
They cannot speak for themselves and end up in shelters through no fault of their own. I think giving tuition credits to students would help recruit volunters to shelters that desperately need help due to overcrowding.
# 553:
1:02 pm PST, Jan 9, Patti Killips, Illinois
# 552:
8:23 am PST, Jan 9, Mary Stalica, Illinois
Because the animals have no voice in their matters--they rely on caring people to look out for their welfare.
# 551:
9:12 pm PST, Jan 8, Hubert Delgrange, France
# 550:
1:16 pm PST, Jan 8, Chris Ferguson, Kentucky
Please write and approve a program that can accomplish these goals! This is a good program for Students and Animals and as you are often to be heard stating, "It's time for a change!!!!"
# 549:
7:37 pm PST, Jan 6, Kristin Sarette, Texas
Because caring for animals fosters relationships and responsibility, not only for our youth, but ourselves as well. Domesticated animals NEED us to be responsible, educated owners. The more resources animal welfare organizations have to get their voice heard, and educate the world, the better chance our animals have of being treated with love and respect. :)
# 548:
6:50 pm PST, Jan 6, Amber Marcov, Arizona
# 547:
5:37 pm PST, Jan 6, Janna Hall, California
I think it is very important to allow students to volunteer at animal institutions so they will better understand the animal kingdom, have a better and more profound respect for animals and so we can do a better job of conservation in the future than we have in our generation - especially with the past 8 years of "presidency of mass destruction" obliterating everything good. Let's take measures to ensure this does not happen again while there is still hope.
# 546:
2:30 pm PST, Jan 6, Robert E. Mitchell, Georgia
Hundreds if not thousans of animals are abused every day in this country. Parrots are CREATURES, the same as we are on this earth and in numsrious cases, smarter than we are. Yet in a lot of states they are considered PRIVATE PROPERTY and people can do as they wish with them, as they are not proteced under the abused animal rights. This is wrong and must be corrected now.
# 545:
12:53 pm PST, Jan 6, Alex Studham, Arizona
# 544:
12:14 pm PST, Jan 6, Sherry Lizardo, California
I have been a volunteer wildlife rehabilitator for almost 10 years now, and it is the most rewarding (and often heartbreaking) thing I have ever done in my 59 years. It gets to be very expensive, since I have to buy all supplies (food, syringes, caging materials, enrichment supplies, etc.) and pay for all veterinary services, as well as transportation costs to go on call to pick up animals and birds. But despite all of that, it is something that I will not stop doing until I am physically unable to continue. Although I can't save every little life that I come in contact with, there are no words to describe the joy and satisfaction of successfully raising an orphaned animal or bird, or restoring the health and physical well-being of an animal or bird that can then be released to continue it's precious life.
# 543:
5:38 am PST, Jan 6, Kym Kosinski, New Jersey
# 542:
11:39 pm PST, Jan 5, St. Chris, New Jersey
This planet is one giant organism of souls "experiencing"...animals included.
# 541:
8:06 pm PST, Jan 5, Debbie Kosinski, Pennsylvania
It is important to me because nature is a gift to us, and we, as Americans, have a tendency to forget that. Sanctuaries are our chance to give back to these animals. It is not fair that these animals have either been purchased and abandoned or were no longer able to be taken care of. This opportunity would give our youth the chance to care for these animals and learn responsibility, so that future problems, like this, will be less likely to happen. Being rewarded for their hard work can also go a long way for many youngsters, this will give them a chance to pay for college, which may be something they might not be able to do otherwise. It is a win-win situation.
# 540:
5:13 pm PST, Jan 5, Dorien Lundy, Arizona
Animals depend oh humans. Young people will benefit for the rest of their lives from volunteering with animals
# 539:
4:36 pm PST, Jan 5, Barbara and John Chaney, New Mexico
Dear President Obama As an agent of change and hope, we are asking that you include animal welfare and treatment in your agenda. These innocent creatures are important indicators of the nature of our country. Volunteers are so necessary - and the growth of understanding and compassion they will experience will make them better citizens as well.
# 538:
9:18 am PST, Jan 5, Pamela Small, Utah
# 537:
7:01 am PST, Jan 5, Anita Kofta, Wisconsin
# 536:
5:11 pm PST, Jan 3, Name not displayed, Connecticut
Animal volunteerism is very important. Unfortunately, I believe that it's gotten to the point where it is a necessity in a lot of places. Every person I have either talked to about animal welfare or heard talk about animal welfare have always said how much they have learned from the animals and how much the animals have enriched their lives. There are many important life lessons to be learned through any volunteer program, but adding the fact of working with the animals adds many more facets to those lessons. I think that the idea to have America's Youth be able to volunteer to receive Tuition Credits for College is one of the absolute most reasonable, smart, ingenious, there are not enough words I can think of to describe how much I am in favor of this idea! I believe that adding Accredited Sanctuaries and/or municipal and nationally recognized animal shelters will not only give today's Youth more areas to choose from to volunteer. It will also help so many of the legitimate sanctuaries in need of necessary help. And make many well deserved animals' lives all the more fulfilled with positive, humane, human contact.
# 535:
1:12 pm PST, Jan 2, Name not displayed, New Jersey
Just think of the experience the student would receive as they care for the unwanted animals.
# 534:
2:04 pm PST, Dec 31, Name not displayed, California
Volunteering with animals is a critical way of increasing compassion for animals among our youth. It also is a fulfilling and rewarding experience for many young people who benefit from the unconditional love provided by animals. And it gives them a tangible means of giving back. Please support this request.
# 533:
9:43 am PST, Dec 31, Name not displayed, California
Animal volunteerism is an important part of providing a more green planet and should be a part of the green initiative that will be pursued by Mr. Obama. Not only does it benefit the environment, but also helps to create new jobs for those who care for God's creatures.
# 532:
7:33 pm PST, Dec 28, Rick Bowers, Arizona
As with many things humans do, our enthusiasm for pets can get carried away. When we no longer "need" our pets they often end up dead by being dumped in the wild or ending up at a shelter that cannot place them with a new home. Sanctuaries like the Oasis become necessary to take care of the orphans created by people who take on pets and later decide they are not worth the trouble. The experience that a student can acquire at a sanctuary goes far beyond the simple mechanics of feeding and cleaning up after an animal. The understanding of other creatures, nature, and the environment can have a lasting, positive effect on young minds, especially those that have grown up in cities away from the natural world. Please add Animal Welfare work to the list of orginizations that students can volunteer for in order to receive tuition credit for college. This is a win/win for orphan animals, students and our country. Thank you!
# 531:
1:21 pm PST, Dec 28, Ruth Bescript, Arizona
These animal live here, too. We must protect the whole country, and all its inhabitants.
# 530:
10:02 am PST, Dec 26, Vonda Stutts, Alabama
Youth helping animals is a win win situation! In todays society with children seeing so much violence,not only on TV but in their own lives,caring for an animal in need gives the child a chance to feel needed and to learn empathy.Having any living thing depend completly on you for survival is a humbling thing. We surely need more humility and compassion in the world.What better place to start teaching this than with our children.
# 529:
7:59 am PST, Dec 26, Katherine Mitchell, Georgia
There are countless examples of young people who get involved with animal care who improve their mental health, become more responsible citizens, learn dependability, and are just more all around caring people. I think this is a good reason to include volunteering at accredited animal organizations to your proposed Youth Volunteer program. Both youth and animals will benefit.
# 528:
4:42 pm PST, Dec 25, M Cober, Arizona
Many people are irresponsible with their pets. Volunteerism helps educate teens. Remember Ted Bundy, he started off abusing animals. The time to educate people is in their youth. And it can help make them better and more responsible human beings.
# 527:
2:21 pm PST, Dec 25, Linda Dykas-Davis, Illinois
People see a cute pet , but it bring home and then forget about them. There are too many neglected pets in the world. Being a bird owner myself, I've seen and heard too many stories. Birds have their own personalities just like dogs! I own 6 cockatiels, they are spoiled , loved and paid attention to. I know when they are sick, tired, mad, happy, "in the mood for love", and ticked off. Please, give the volunteer program a chance. Thank You.
# 526:
12:33 pm PST, Dec 25, Mysti Duncan, Oregon
A time for taking personal responsibility for our actions and/or the lack thereof. We save people and then watch helplessly as they pine away for the creatures we did not look for or think to save. These creatures feel and think as small children do. The fear, the bewilderment, confusion, starvation, that we as adults can reason through. If we just care enough to put ourselves into the creature's mindset, we would feel the pain. Lonely, single, homeless, seniors as well as the middle class and the rich all have 'Pets' that feel and think and fear! They give us unconditional love, we can give them shelter and security at the very least. I didn't like the invasive procedure of placing a chip in my friend Ginger, but I've seen too many animals and birds looking for 'lost' love ones, seeing their mangled bodies in roads. invision your loved one mangled in the road looking for you! We Need these shelters, havens, so that we can look for our loved ones when they have lost the way looking for us, before they end in a puddle of blood and fur/feathers and mangled body parts.
# 525:
11:44 am PST, Dec 24, Martha Leahy, Massachusetts
# 524:
11:50 am PST, Dec 23, Julia Tawyea', Pennsylvania
# 523:
6:01 am PST, Dec 23, Holly Chisholm, Michigan
# 522:
9:36 pm PST, Dec 22, Diana Tomlinson, Arizona
A Society/Civilization is judged by how well it treats the most vulnerable&defenseless;people who are caretakers,defenders,rescuers of abandoned,neglected,abused creatures are the most evolved,caring,humane,intelligent,&noble human beings-It's a win-win situation for Anyone Who Helps This Cause;The World would be a Depressing,Lonely place without our Animal Life.
# 521:
1:05 pm PST, Dec 22, Name not displayed, Pennsylvania
Animals are sentient beings just like the rest of us and need to experience a safe place to live, feed themselves, and love. We can speak out for them so they can have a joyful life
# 520:
12:21 pm PST, Dec 22, Deborah Hoeltgen, California
Caring, protecting and becoming voices for those who can't speak for themselves, the animals that we were blessed to share our planet, is our responsibility and destiny. Teaching our nation's youth to value animals in turn teaches them to value "all" life and preserve the many ecosystems that are threatened today. It's long range effects will create a healthy earth for tomorrow's children.
# 519:
9:46 am PST, Dec 22, Andres Vasquez, Massachusetts
# 518:
9:06 am PST, Dec 22, Lawrence Good, New York
Because how treat our animals teaches reminds us how we must treat each other. Compassion is instinctive, but must be reinforced through education and experience. Programs such as this provide a valuable service to our NPOs as well as an immeasurable benefit to the morals and values of our nations' youth.
# 517:
8:17 am PST, Dec 22, Andrea Clark, Iowa
# 516:
3:37 pm PST, Dec 21, Janet Keene, Florida
# 515:
10:08 am PST, Dec 21, Daniela Brzobohata, Austria
# 514:
7:40 am PST, Dec 21, Diane Burket, Virginia
We need to help these poor, innocent animals. Humans have created the big problem with animals; we need to fix it.
# 513:
5:30 pm PST, Dec 20, Jane G. Wakeham, Massachusetts
It is very important to me that people work to save exotic birds who are so smart and beautiful. They are going extinct in the wild.
# 512:
2:41 pm PST, Dec 20, Name not displayed, Maryland
I foster dogs in my home till they can find their forever homes, it's important to me, because we are a throw away society, and it needs to stop. We need to take responsiblity for our animals as much as we have to take responsiblity for our children. There are millions of unwanted dogs that get killed every year, I like to think by fostering some, I'm help to decrease that number
# 511:
2:20 pm PST, Dec 20, Name not displayed, California
# 510:
11:50 am PST, Dec 20, Kelly Myers, Virginia
Volunteering to help animal organizations will help instill empathy and compassion in our young people. We live in a harsh world and things seem to become more so that way everyday. We could use a little softening of the heart that comes with the care of animals. The love and compassion our youth learn from this experience will permeate to other areas of their young lives.
# 509:
8:15 am PST, Dec 20, Name not displayed, Virginia
# 508:
6:33 am PST, Dec 20, BiLL Fowlie, Maine
# 507:
4:54 am PST, Dec 20, Roxie Schliesman, Wisconsin
# 506:
12:43 am PST, Dec 20, Ilona Demenina, Florida
# 505:
8:25 pm PST, Dec 19, Linda Tomisser, Alaska
This is a great way to offer kids a variety of volunteering options. Taking care of pets can be very expensive, but its our jobs to do that. They are a part of our family. Kids must learn compassion, and we can make this world a safer place
# 504:
8:12 pm PST, Dec 19, Pennie Davis, Arizona
# 503:
7:30 pm PST, Dec 19, Katrina Craton, California
# 502:
12:48 pm PST, Dec 19, Name not displayed, New Jersey
# 501:
10:18 am PST, Dec 19, Judie Dymkowska, Poland
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