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EDC 0351

Who is You? The Coming Epidemic of Identity Theft (PDF download)
This short and easily readable book provides interesting and important information on the nature of identity theft, how to protect against it and recover from ID theft should it happen. The authors br...
PM 0993

Estate Planning
This publication is designed to acquaint you with the considerations, problems, and tools available in estate planning. It has been updated to include 2005 revisions to the tax law....
PM 2032

Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll 2006 Summary Report
Report on Iowa farmers' opinions on energy costs, quality of life, relations with neighbors, environmental quality related to livestock operations, Internet access and use, and more....
PM 2043

Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll 2007 Summary Report
Data collected in the 2007 survey of 1 ,000 Iowa farmers provide insight into their opinions on where the bioeconomy is headed. Supplemental reports available on this web site provide additional detai...

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