Inside Yellowstone - Features & Processes Videos

Wolf Cascade

Topic: Though wolves are only one of the species in the park they are inextricably linked to many other animal and plant species. The trophic cascade of effects caused by their reintroduction is being studied.

2 minute 03 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger Beth Taylor

Lone wolf running through snow.

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Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Coyote or Wolf?

Topic: What's the difference between a coyote and a wolf? Those of us who love domestic dogs also find these two canids fascinating.

2 minute 14 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger Beth Taylor

Side-by-side photos of coyote and wolf show the differences.

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Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Yellowstone's Bears

Topic: Want to see bears? Yellowstone's visitors have held a fascination for park bears throughout the history of the Yellowstone.

2 minute 15 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger Beth Taylor

Head portraits of grizzly and blackbear show some of hte differences.

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iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Bighorn Sheep

Topic: Bighorn Sheep can be seen on some of the cliffs in the park. Their remarkable adaptations allow them to escape predators by running down cliffs that the predators cannot handle. Learn more in this short video.

2 minute 17 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger Beth Taylor

A large bighorn sheep ram runs down a hill.

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Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

River Otter

Topic: River otters can be found in many of Yellowstone's waterways. Learn more about their lifestyle in this short video.

2 minute 08 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger Beth Taylor

Cone geyser shooting a large burst of steam from its vent.

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iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation


Topic: Beavers are on a comeback. Join us on this video to learn more about our beavers and some possible reasons for their return.

2 minute 58 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Beaver eating.

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iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Respect for Wildlife

Topic: Wildlife watching opportunities in Yellowstone are endless. This video provides the information needed to allow visitors to watch wildlife safely and respectfully.

2 minute 08 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger Beth Taylor

Family watches a moose from a safe distance of over 25 yards.

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iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Uinta Ground Squirrels

Topic: Uinta ground squirrels are sometimes mistaken for prairie dogs. They hibernate for most of the year, coming above ground in the spring and early summer to feed on the temporarily lush vegetation.

2 minute 13 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

One adult and one juvenile ground squirrel stand erect near their hole.

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iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Mountain Lions

Topic: They are rarely seen, but Yellowstone is the perfect habitat for mountain lions.


2 minute 8 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

A mountain lion stands on a rock looking down upon something below.

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iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Clark's Nutcracker

Topic: This special bird can feed a bear and plant a forest.


2 minute 18 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

A Clark's Nutcracker

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation


Topic: Dawn and dusk are the best times to see moose. But where should you look?


2 minute 14 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Trumpeter swan sitting on its nest made of reeds.

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iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Trumpeter Swans

Topic: The beauty of these birds should always be enjoyed from a distance.


2 minute 3 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Trumpeter Swan sitting on its nest made of reeds.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Animal Tracks in Snow

Topic: Can you look at animal tracks to see the past?


2 minute 20 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Photo of a wolf foot print in shallow snow.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation


Topic: Take a closer look at how some animals survive Yellowstone's harsh winters.


2 minute 23 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Grizzly bear walks across a snowy meadow prior to going into hibernation.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Winter Animal Adaptations

Topic: Yellowstone's wildlife prepares for a long winter season in many ways.


2 minute 11 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Four bison stand together in a snowy field.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Cold Water Fishery

Topic: Yellowstone's cool climate and abundance of water, creates some perfect fish habitat.


2 minute 11 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

The Yellowstone River winds through a snow-covered Hayden Valley.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Winter Wildlife Viewing

Topic: You will need to dress warmly, but winter wildlife watching is spectacular.


2 minute 10 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

A wolf, laying in the snow, stares at the camera.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Winter Wolf Research

Topic: Researchers brave extreme conditions to understand how wolves are impacting Yellowstone.


2 minute 33 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

Wildlife Biologist Doug Smith works on an anesthetized wolf laying on a snow bank.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Bugle of the Elk

Topic: Follow Yellowstone's most abundant large mammal through the seasons.


2 minute 15 seconds
Written & Presented By:
Park Ranger George Heinz

A bull elk with a large rack stands regally in an autumn scene.

Windows Media Player
iTunes Podcast

Videos © 2008 Yellowstone Park Foundation

Bonus Features
Related Web Pages:

Yellowstone Wildlife

Yellowstone Mammals

Viewing Wildlife in Yellowstone

Wildlife Safety Videos

Birds of Yellowstone

Reptiles of Yellowstone

Amphibians of Yellowstone

Bear Denning and Hibernation

Yellowstone's Bears

For Kids - How Animals Spend the Winter

Yellowstone's Moose

For Kids - Animal Alphabet Book

The Nature Conservancy Moose Page

Yellowstone's Mountain Lions

Montana's Official State Website - Mountain Lion Page

Mountain Lion Foundation

Red Rocks National Wildlife Refuge Trumpeter Swan Page

Yellowstone's Trumpeter Swan Page

Natural History Museum - Mammals - Adaptations

Viewing Wildlife in Yellowstone

Where to Go to See Mammals in Yellowstone

Yellowstone's Wolves

Yellowstone's Coyotes

Wolf  Restoration

Minimizing the Dangers of a Bear Encounter

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Last Updated:
Tuesday, 07-Oct-2008 10:01:38 Eastern Daylight Time /archive/yell/insideyellowstone/0042wildlife.htm