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Community & Landowner Assistance - Water Resources

Listed below are subjects where DNR provides assistance with landowner water resources. Specific questions on subjects are listed to help landowners quickly find the information they need.

1.     Conservancy Districts

1.1. What is a Conservancy District?

1.2. How is a Conservancy District established?

1.3. Who oversees the work done by a Conservancy District?

1.4. How does a Conservancy District pay for its works of improvement?

1.5. Procedural Guidelines for the Establishment, Development, and Dissolution of Conservancy Districts

1.6. Conservancy Districts Directory

2.      Construction in a Floodplain

2.1. What is a floodplain?

2.2. What is the Floodway?

2.3. What is the Fringe?

2.4. How do I know if I am in a floodplain?

2.5. Permit Application Assistance Manual

2.6. Permit Application Forms

2.7. Permit Exemptions

2.8. Permit Application Database

3.      Dam Safety

3.1. Indiana Dam Safety Inspection Manual

3.2. General Guidelines for New Dams and Improvements to Existing Dams in Indiana

4.      Flood Control Revolving Fund

4.1. What is the Flood Control Revolving Fund?

4.2. Who is eligible to use the Flood Control Revolving Fund?

4.3. What is an approved Flood Control Program?

4.4. What are the terms of a Flood Control Revolving Fund Loan?

4.5. The Flood Control Revolving Fund Application and Review Process

5.      Flood Insurance

5.1. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in Indiana

5.2. Why do I need to purchase flood insurance?

5.3. What if my property is in a floodplain and my community does not participate in the NFIP?

5.4. Can I get the flood insurance requirement waived for my property?

6.      Ground Water and Wells

6.1. Ground Water Availability Map

6.2. Ground Water Assessment Maps

6.3. Water Well Record Database

7.      Water Availability, Use, and Rights

7.1. Indiana Water Resource Update Page

7.2. Water use Program Explanation

7.3. Water Shortage Plan

8.      Rural Water Supply Revolving Fund

8.1. What is the Rural Water Supply Revolving Fund?

8.2. Who is eligible to use the Rural Water Supply Revolving Fund?

8.3. What are the criteria for a rural water supply project?

8.4. What are the terms of a Flood Control Revolving Fund Loan?

8.5. Rural Water Supply Revolving Fund Application and Review Process

9.      River Basin Commissions

9.1. What is a River Basin Commission  

10.Rivers and Lakes

10.1. Outstanding Rivers List for Indiana

10.2. Roster of Indiana Waterways Declared Navigable -

10.3. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Lake Information

10.3.1. Daily Lake Report

10.3.2.Water Level Graphs

10.4. Public Freshwater Lake Legal and Average Normal Water Levels

10.5. Indiana Drainage Handbook