Food, Nutrition and Health

Featured Products
PM 1842

Say 'YES' to Family Meals -- Raising Healthy Kids
Enjoying a simple meal together strengthens family bonds and creates a routine that helps children feel more secure....
PM 1257

Food for 'ME TOO' Nutrition for the Toddler and Preschooler -- Raising Healthy Kids
Get off to a good start with food habits for your child. This publication teaches you common eating patterns, gives tips for surviving the toddler rollercoaster, and provides a sample menu for childre...
PM 1967

Healthy Hearts: How to Monitor Fat and Cholesterol -- Raising Healthy Kids
The health habits children learn can reduce their risk for heart disease later in life....
PM 1950

Pyramids of Health -- Raising Healthy Kids
Includes the new MyPyramid for Kids plus an activity pyramid....
EFNEP 0230

Food and Fun for Healthy Families: 2009 Nutrition Calendar
Each month this fun and functional calendar features a full color photo with a recipe for a healthy, easy-to-prepare main dish or side dish. • Menu suggestions are included, as well as nutrition infor...
SP 0328

Garden Produce in Floods
If flood waters have covered a garden, most produce will be unsafe to eat. Several factors determine the safety of unharvested fruits and vegetables....
N 3500A

Eating Well - Moving More -- Investing in Employee Wellness is Good Business
PM 1264

Snacks for Healthy Kids -- Raising Healthy Kids
Are your kids eating a lot of 'junk' after school? This revised publication lists yummy but healthy foods that your kids will love. It even includes recipes for snacks they can make themselves. Also i...
PM 2005

Steps to a Healthier Family -- Raising Healthy Kids
Adults and children need the same types of foods; the only differences are the portion sizes and number of servings....
PM 2035

Healthy Meals in a Hurry—14 main dishes for now and later
Making smart food choices is easier when you have a freezer stocked with ready-to-reheat main dishes. Each of the featured recipes has "Eat now" and "Eat later" directions. If you choose to make them ...

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