Charles H. Bronson, Commissioner - LuAnn Stiles, Director
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Welcome to the Division of Consumer Services

Join the Florida Do Not Call List

Complaints Filed
Recovered for Consumers $282,094Statistics are From:
1/1/09 thru 1/16/09
2008 Totals - $7,734,987 recovered for consumers AND 37,952 complaints received

The Florida Lemon Law Program - Every Year Millions are Recovered for Consumers
Statistics are From:
1/1/08 thru 11/30/08

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Within our website you will find consumer related information ranging from identity theft to automobile repair. We strive to bring you the most current information and resources available. If you are unable to find the information you need, visit our online A - Z Resource Guide or call us at 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352), outside of Florida 850-488-2221 or en Español 1-800-FL-AYUDA (352-9832).

The Division has regulatory authority over some of Florida's business industries. These include: Business Opportunities, Motor Vehicle Repair Shops, Charitable Organizations, Florida Do Not Call, Dance Studios, Pawnshops, Health Studios (Gyms), Sellers of Travel, Intrastate Movers, Game Promotions, Telemarketing, and administers the Florida Lemon Law program in conjunction with the Florida Attorney General.

Hot Topics

Consumer Recalls (Products, Vehicles, Boats, Food Medicene, Cosmetics, Environmental Products)

Consumer Press Releases and Media