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How do I customize the homepage news? PDF Print E-mail
Written on Saturday, January 10, 2009
Last Updated on Saturday, January 10, 2009

The FDLP Desktop features categories that display news regarding the Federal Depository Library Program. All news regarding the Program is categorized into one of five categories:

  1. FDLP Desktop Customizable NewsGeneral Announcements
  2. Cataloging
  3. Distribution
  4. Events
  5. Partnerships

Each of these categories appears on the homepage in its own container and loads articles as they are released. Articles appear on the homepage in date descending order and drop off based on the viewing preferences of the user, based on a Web brower's cookies.

There are two ways to customize the displayed news based on each user's personal use of the data:

  1. Reorder the Categories: At the top right of each category container is a move icon. Click and drag the icon to move the container up or down in the list.
    Reorder the Categories
  2. Change the Number of Viewable Articles: At the top of each category container, there is an option to view 0, 5, 10, or 15 articles. Select a number to change the number of articles displayed for that category.
    Change the Number of Viewable Articles
After an article moves off the homepage, it can be found via the "News Directory", which can be found under "Home".

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